
Tarot Card for Wednesday: How The Devil Can Set you Free!

Authors Note: For the next week, my evil twin Veronica Noir will be taking over doing the daily readings for me while I take a blogging break. Her reading style is a little different from mine – she’s a total bitch, has a depraved mind and her vocabulary is like something straight out of Fifty Shades of Grey – so as you can see, we are total opposites.

I will not be responding to any comments posted here over the next week, but I can’t wait to read them all when I return to my blog! I will resume my regular readings next Thursday. But until then….I will leave you in Veronica’s good hands 😉

Warmest Regards,
Kate (Daily Tarot Girl)

Rider-Waite Smith Tarot

The Devil is one of my favorite Tarot cards!


Because it nudges you toward freedom by revealing how you are giving away your power.

Plus its the kinkiest card in the Tarot.

The Devil Tarot card comes up whenever addictions are an issue. So ask yourself: What am I addicted to right now?

Perhaps you are addicted to getting others approval, buying Tarot decks (wink!), eating coffee cheesecake or cyber-stalking hunky male celebrities.

Whatever it is, it doesn’t enhance your life as much as you think it does. Your addiction will hold you back, eat up your free time and drain you of energy and creativity.

But don’t try to stop…that never works! Instead, imagine what your life could be like without this addiction and take things from there.

So….if your in the mood to divulge, tell me what “addiction” is keeping you stuck in a rut in the comments below….

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Tarot and Timing: How to Predict When Something Will Happen

When will my finances improve? When will I meet my soul-mate? When will I get a better job? When will I know my life-purpose?

These are the questions many people, including myself, ask when they approach the Tarot cards. Everyone wants to know when!

But can our Tarot cards even give us this kind of information?

Yes and No. Let me explain…

Because the future is not set in stone, determining when something will happen is tricky. We create our lives and the world around us by our thoughts, feelings and actions which gives each of us an immense amount of power!

Sometimes we get scared of our own creative power and revert to the belief that the future is already pre-determined and we have no real effect on what happens.

When we take this view, we get to absolve all responsibility for our lives. Life just becomes this thing that happens to us – and our only real power is in knowing when certain things will occur, so we can either relax or plan ahead.

I firmly believe that the idea of a pre-determined destiny is a load of crap!

Therefore, I do not believe the Tarot is a tool that can be used to accurately predict the timing of events (I know many readers will disagree with me here), but rather a tool to help you understand how you can manifest what you desire.

If you want to know when you will meet the right romantic partner, a Tarot reading can suggest how to meet this person and what could possibly be standing in your way. However, the reading probably won’t reveal the the month or day that you will find true love.

Let me show you what this theory looks like in action:

3 card tarot reading
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

These are the Tarot cards that came up when I asked for insight into when I would find the right house to buy.

I think most of us have asked our Tarot cards when something will happen, only to get a confusing answer. But here is a little secret:

If you just slightly change the wording of your question, you can gain a wealth of clarity and insight!

Instead of asking when will _______ happen? 


what do I need to do in order to make _______ happen?


how can I manifest ________ more quickly?

So going back to the Tarot cards above, If I were to ask how can I find the right home quickly and easily? The Six of Rods would suggest that I focus on moving forward and visualize success, while the Ace of Wands encourages me to prepare for a new beginning. The Two of Cups emphasizes the importance of keeping my relationship strong and being on the same page with my partner when it comes to home-hunting.

So now I have a wealth of helpful information at my fingertips! The Tarot is wonderful for showing us the steps on our path toward a particular event of goal, but not so great at providing specific time-frames of when that event/goal will materialize.

However, there are some exceptions…

 Aces almost always suggest that positive change will happen very soon.

 Notice if the cards suggest a particular season. For example, Nine of Pentacles seems very summery, as does the Three of Cups. This can suggest that what you are asking about will likely come to pass during the Summer months.

 The number on the card can also indicate the number of days, weeks or months that will pass before something occurs. This is especially true if you get more than one card with the same number on it.

Now its your turn! I want you to ask your Tarot cards about the timing of something, using the suggested questions above and share your insights in the comments below. How did re-phrasing your question help you get deeper understanding?

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Five of Pentacles ~ Tarot Card for Thursday

robin wood tarot
Robin Wood Tarot

The Five of Pentacles Tarot card has shown up today to indicate that there is something or someone in your environment that is bringing down your mood.

It could be a friend who is always moaning about money problems – that friend who’s always whining “but I can’t afford it.” Or maybe you do this? If so, stop it now!

If you want to live an abundant life, surround yourself by people and things that make you feel abundant and question your own core beliefs about money. Limit time spent with downer friends – otherwise they can suck your energy.

Alternatively, you can tell your friend about a good law of attraction book or even directly question her negative beliefs about money, as long as it doesn’t feel too preachy or aggressive. Your friend will either raise her abundance mindset to meet yours or gradually recede from your life. Either way, its a good thing.

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My Worst Tarot Reading Ever!

One question I am often asked is: “what makes a good Tarot reading?”

I have been thinking back to all of the readings I have had – Tarot, palm, psychic, tea leaf, Angel Card and Akashic Soul Reading – to pinpoint what exactly made me enjoy these readings. What I found was that it was impossible to define the elements of a great reading without first pinpointing what makes a bad reading.

The worst reading I ever had was a Tarot reading at a high school graduation party….continue reading this article

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Sharing ~ Osho Zen Tarot Card for Thursday

osho zen tarot
Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

The Queen of Fire from the Osho Zen deck comes bearing the message that you have so much more to share with the world than you realize!

Its easy to forget that your small, positive actions, words and deeds have a huge impact on the “big picture”. What you do and create has a radiating effect that continues influencing the planet long after you have forgotten all about it. This card reminds you that your contribution doesn’t need to be some big flashy deal to have a transformative impact.

What do you most want to share with your community? What do you want to share with the world? Perhaps you can think of several things! If you could only write one page outlining the most important things you have leaned so far in your life, what would you write? The more you share your gifts and wisdom with others, the brighter your light will grow and the more alive you will become.

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Five of Wands ~ Tarot Card for Monday!

Tarot of the Pagan Cats by Lo Scarabeo

Today’s Tarot card is the Five of Wands, a card of minor struggles, squabbles and healthy competition.
You may feel more tempted than usual today to disagree with people, try to prove yourself right or instigate arguments. If you can, try to resist!

This card also refers to inner struggle between different aspects of yourself. You may find that you feel like lounging on the couch all evening, while your more industrious side thinks you should finish a project, or do chores. Or your rational side may squabble with your more emotional side when it comes to decision making.

Whatever it is that you experience today, it will help you to develop a healthy sense of humor about it. Learn to laugh at your ego and see the lighter side of a situation. Remember what is important to you and focus your attention on creating harmony and cooperation in your life.

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Oracle Card Reading for Wednesday ~ Think Big!

dog oracle card
Guidance Dogs Oracle Cards by Kirsten Laulainen

Today’s Oracle Card Reading is all about expanding your perception of what is possible. This Guidance Dogs oracle card, represented by the Chihuahua encourages you to Think Big, even if you feel small right now.

As you open your mind to what is possible, your life also opens up. Your beliefs shape your experience and so as you change your beliefs about what is possible, your reality will bend its shape to fit with your new outlook.

Changing your core beliefs isn’t always easy, and I have found that its best to start by accepting where you are at right now. Acknowledge your limiting beliefs and decide to love and accept yourself anyway.

Since its pretty hard to go from limited thinking to expanded thinking in a day, focus on gradually and gently opening your mind up to greater possibilities. Here’s an affirmation I like to use:
Even though I find it hard to believe_________________, I am willing to open my mind to the possibility.

And last but not least, sometimes we are afraid to dream big. We may fear disappointment if our dreams don’t come true, or overwhelm and rejection if they do manifest! For this reason, it is important to connect a feeling of safety with our expanded life vision. The following affirmation helps soothe that sense of anxiety:  It is safe for me to be successful/powerful/free (or whatever it is you want).

Try working with these affirmations as think and dream big – and watch as your life transforms!

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The Lovers Tarot Card Reading for Tuesday!

the cosmic tarot the lovers
The Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Losche

The Lovers Tarot Card is all about unity, connection and balance. What do you find yourself powerfully drawn to today? It could be a person, place or thing. Often we are drawn to something that is lacking in ourselves in an attempt to balance things out.

Communication and connecting with others may seem easier than usual today and don’t be surprised if you feel a surge of passion towards something you had thought long forgotten – like an old hobby, for example.

Although The Lovers Tarot card is all about opposites attracting, try to look for the commonality that you share with others, rather than your differences – this will help you get on the same page with friends, family and colleagues.

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Knight of Pentacles Tarot Card for Monday!

druidcraft tarot prince of pentacles
The Druidcraft Tarot by Philip and Stephanie Carr-Gomm and artist Will Worthington

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot card (or Prince of Pentacles in the Druidcraft Tarot), is here today to encourage you to take your time to think things through, but don’t get too hung up on playing it safe.

The Knight of Pentacles is a sensible, hesitant Knight – he is the only Knight in the Tarot who isn’t moving forward! This suggests that you may feel like things have come to a standstill or you are hesitating about moving forward on your path because you want to make sure you are going in the right direction.

The Knight of Pentacles Tarot card also indicates a strong need to feel safe and secure. This can become a problem if it continually holds you back from taking risks and stepping outside your comfort zone. Focus on feeling safe even when you are challenged or in unfamiliar surroundings – this will help you move forward on your path with confidence and excitement.


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