What Kind of a Tarot Reader Are You?

Did you know that every Tarot reader has a distinct Tarot reading personality?

Some readers read with a tell-it-like-it-is bravado while others are adept at gently holding a space for their querent. Some readers love to be dramatic while some are more laid back. Some readers love to inject humour into their readings while some prefer to exude a more therapeutic, self-helpy vibe.

I created this Tarot spread to help you explore your Tarot reading personality, discover your special reading gifts and identify areas that need a little work. So make yourself a cup of tea, give your deck a shuffle and give this spread a go!

Download this spread HERE


♥ Let me know in the comments below… what card sums up your Tarot reader personality and why?

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Tarot Reading for Jan 23 – 29

Pssst! I’m doing a free Tarot workshop on Friday!!! It’s called Calling In 2023…With Tarot! Come hang out with me and we’ll journal together while I teach you some of my favourite reading techniques 🙂

For this week’s reading, I’m using the Modern Love Tarot by Ethony…


Have a great week 🙂

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Queen of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive

***Pssst! I made something for you 🙂 Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

Welcome to part 4 of my 16 part series Meet the Court Cards – each week we will hang out with ONE court card and dive deeply into the symbols, personality traits, talents and dark side. This is similar to my Major Arcana Meanings Deep Dive series, but we’ll also explore how each court card acts in the context of love, work and money.

I’ll give you specific ways to embody this card as well as some journalling questions to help you connect with this card on a more personal level 🙂

Today we’re diving into the Queen of Wands – fiery and passionate, she’s a creative dynamo and outside-the-box thinker who lives her life on her own terms.

Sit back, relax and discover the secrets, surprises and shocking truths of this Queen…

Element: fire!

Keywords/personality traits:

Energetic, lively, spiritual spark, creative, action oriented, passionate, intense, inspired, outside the box thinker, eccentric, entrepreneurial spirit, visionary, doesn’t care what others think, independent, bold and brave, adventurous.


Lions = powerful, regal, majestic

Cat = graceful, elegant, mysterious

Sunflowers = shine, extroverted, flowering/in bloom – respond the the Sun (attention)

Wand/staff = ability to direct energy and will

Yellow = 3rd chakra (willpower)

Orange = 2nd chakra (creativity)

pyramids = ancient power, mystery, energy directing and alignment with the stars

Leaves (on wand and crown) = new growth, aliveness


The Queen of Wands knows how to tap into her creativity and passions, put it into action and really make things happen! She is a true visionary who is highly creative and knows how to grab people’s attention and hold it – the trait of a real entertainer.

She loves to explore the unusual side of things and come up with creative solutions to tricky dilemmas. While she is very spiritually connected and holds all kinds of mystical qualities, she would never describe herself as “spiritual”.

At a party…

She’s the life of the party! In fact, without the Queen of Wands, it isn’t a party at all but a gathering. You will often find her at the centre of a large group as she is highly entertaining and a master storyteller with an electric sense of humour!

She knows how to draw people in and have them hanging on her every word. She’s especially talented at hosting parties as she keeps the drinks flowing, the music blaring and the energy high. No one throws a party like the Queen of Wands!

In love…

this is the area where she doesn’t exactly excel. She gets bored easily and so she ends up having many short lived relationships. Because she seeks passion, excitement and fire in her romantic connections, she loses interest as soon as that initial spark begins to fade.

She’s more into passionate affairs and flings with unavailable partners than serious, long term commitments. But if she does settle down, it will be with someone who is conventional and boring, who will let her shine and be the star. She doesn’t want anyone stealing her spotlight. Her relationship will rarely be her focus because her career and artistic journey come first, adding yet another layer of challenge to her romantic life. Plus, she hates the idea of being trapped by the institution of marriage.

The good news is, she gains a ton of inspiration and energy from her brief yet passionate affairs – while others may get distracted by a tumultuous love life, this Queen feeds on it and let’s if fuel her creative fire!

In money…

She’s great at making lots of money but is equally good at spending it, often on silly stuff like overpriced “spiritual” retreats, expensive crystals and pricey shoes and makeup. She is, after all, the most fashion forward of all the Queens!

But despite her reckless spending, she always bounces back. She never hoards money and often completely forgets to save it, mainly because making it is just so darn easy for her. She has absolutely no blocks to making money and is great at negotiating contracts and demanding what she’s worth. She isn’t really materialistic though – making money feels fun and exciting to her, but spending money feels as mundane as sneezing!

In work…

She’s a natural problem solver, creative thinker and entertainer so any profession where she can be creative and expressive is best. However, she often gravitates to the unconventional professions and her independent streak makes her the perfect entrepreneur. She usually has her own business or does freelance, not wanting to be tied down or beholden to anyone in any way.

This Queen makes a wonderful actress, artist, or performer of any kind. She is a great event planner – creating amazing festivals, concerts and retreats. She’s the kind of gal who gets wild, out-there ideas that other people may raise an eyebrow at, but they actually end up working most of the time.

She’s a hippy dippy artist/mystic who has her shit together and knows how to make things happen in a BIG way. You won’t find her thriving in a “safe”, conventional job as she longs to get out there and do daring new things – busting stereotypes and expectations!

This Queen thrives on…

Being onstage, in front of an audience and being challenged both creatively and spiritually. She loves environments full of open minded people with few rules and regulations and feels very much at home at festivals, parties and events.

She can’t stand…

Rules, regulations, institutions and “the man”. She can’t stand being labelled or put in a box or feeling over-committed or burdened in any way. Feeling stagnant, stuck or uninspired are her worst fears. Group think and herd mentality disgust her.

She does not enjoy care-giving and motherhood just simply isn’t her thing. She’ll often forego motherhood altogether or leave most of the child raising to others like nannies and other family members.

Dark Side of the Queen of Wands

She can be a bit of an attention whore and needs a high level of excitement in order to feel inspired and energetic. She has a tendency to be narcissistic and self centred, with a penchant for getting high on her own supply!

Sometimes she tries really hard to get reactions out of people, being controversial just for the sake of stirring the pot since she thrives on attention. The worst part is, she might discard someone like they’re yesterdays trash if they fail to worship her adequately and lavish her with enough adulation.

Practices to embody this card:

-perform in front of an audience (bonus if it’s something unconventional and a bit out-there)
-paint a mural on your bedroom wall
-throw a themed costume party!
-go clothes shopping at the thrift store
-write a zany stage play and cast your friends as the main characters

Journalling Questions:

♥ What part of her to do you relate to?

♥ Who do you know like this?

♥ Which of her qualities would you like to cultivate in your own life?

♥ Which of her traits do you want to minimize? Or watch out for?

Tell me your thoughts!

Did you enjoy this deep dive? What aspect of the Queen of Wands do you most relate to?  Let me know in the comments below…

♥ Join me next time as I dive into the Knight of Pentacles – he’s very different from all the other Knights in the Tarot…can you guess why? Hop on my mailing list so you won’t miss out!

***Grab your FREE Court Card Cheatsheet right HERE!***

You may also enjoy…

Court Card Tarot Meanings
Tarot Meanings Deep Dive series (Major Arcana)

Queen of Wands – Tarot Meaning Deep Dive Read More »

2023 Tarot Forecast Reading

I have to be honest – for the past few years, I’ve approached the New Year with a sense of jaded cynicism. I’ve even avoided setting goals or making “resolutions” because in the past, this has led me to feel disappointed in myself.

But then I sat down to do this reading and as I turned over each card, I was pleasantly surprised. I can actually say I feel optimistic, hopeful and excited about 2023 and I hope you will too!!!

I’m using the Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne for this reading and I used my Calling In 2023 Tarot spread…

♥ Leave me a comment below and let me know what card you were most excited to see and what you’re most looking forward to in the New Year…

Wishing you all the love, hugs and Tarot magic for 2023!!!!

2023 Tarot Forecast Reading Read More »

New Years 2023 Tarot Spread!

New year, new spread! Here’s my Tarot spread for the year ahead….

The start of a new year is always a special time to do a reading (it’s up there with Halloween and Birthday readings!) and it’s a great time to get clear on what you want to focus on, change, create, release and explore in the upcoming year.

So make a pot of tea, give your deck a shuffle and let’s get to it!

Download PDF

There are
two ways to use this spread:

Method #1 

Do the spread as is and after you’ve turned all the cards over and read them, go through your deck and consciously choose a Tarot card that you’d like to embody throughout the year.

You can place this card (or images of this card) around your living and working space and it will act as a reminder of what you’d like to focus on this year.

Method #2 

Instead of pulling a card for the first card position what will I create this year?, ask yourself what do I want to create this year? and journal about it.

Once you’re clear on it, ask your deck what will help me do this? Draw one card. Then, ask what could get in the way? Draw a second card. Move on to the next one – ask what do I want to explore this year? and repeat the same process.

*You will do this for all the card positions in the spread except for these two: what will help me the most? and what could get in the way? – for these you can just draw one card to answer the question.

At the end, consciously choose a Tarot card that you’d like to embody throughout the year. This card will represent your ideal self in 2023.

Wishing you a Happy New Year and all the best in 2023

New Years 2023 Tarot Spread! Read More »