F*ck astrology! Tell me what you last ate…

Veronica is my evil Tarot reading twin.  Whip wielding anarchist by day, mischevious Tarot queen by night, Veronica is the author of her very own ebook! Let’s see what terrible advice she has for you….

Linestrider Tarot by Siolo Thompson

You are what you eat.

At least that’s what an obnoxious duty teacher once told me when I was ten.

But guess what?

Whatever you last ate….is the secret key to your true personality!

Did you eat….

A cupcake?  – this means you like to destroy beautiful things with your mouth.

Casserole? – you enjoy chaos and mayhem

A wrap? – your a lazy f*ck

A salad? – you think you’re better than everyone. Or, you like salads.

An apple – you give in to temptation way too easily!

Popcorn – you like to keep busy, busy, busy.

A salmon burger – you’re sophisticated but you like to slum it every now and then

I could go on and on…but I’ll stop there.

If you’re food wasn’t listed here, tell me in the comments below and I’ll tell you what it says about you…

F*ck astrology! Tell me what you last ate… Read More »

The Dark Side…of those “Good” Tarot Cards

Everyone has a dark side. Everything has a dark side.

And Tarot cards are no exception!

Each and every Tarot card has both a light and dark aspect and today I want to focus on the BAD side of those sunny, bright, cheery Tarot cards.

This is a helpful exercise to do when you get a positive card in a negative position in a Tarot spread. Like when you ask “what do I need to let go of?” and you get The Sun or the Ace of Cups.

So let’s get crackin’!

All Tarot cards shown in the above video are from the Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

The Sun

Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

This is the quintessential “positive” Tarot card and it’s hard to find anything negative about it.

But let me try…

Do you remember back in the mid-2000’s when The Secret came out and everyone was going on and on about positive thinking? To the point where it got really annoying?

Have you ever felt pressured to be more positive?

Or to be extra-super-duper positive even when things were unacceptably horrible?

Like working for a company that treats its staff inhumanely but then demands that you show “team spirit” and enthusiasm and smile all the time. That shit is soul destroying.

This whole discussion makes me think of a great book I read a couple years ago – Bright Sided : How Positive Thinking is Undermining America by Barbara Ehrenreich.

Two of Cups

hanson roberts two of cups
Hanson Roberts Tarot

Two people, clinking glasses and putting their heads together in a glow of mutual appreciation.

What could go wrong? Plenty!

Meeting a like minded individual who shares your values and vision can be intoxicating. But once the thrill fades and you realize that you must also compromisewhat used to be a strong connection might start to feel like a prison sentence.

Sure you might agree on eating vegan, going to yoga retreats and watching George Carlin stand up routines, but then you discover they can’t load a fucking dishwasher properly and love to eat Twizzlers and go to baseball games…god what were you thinking?

Now it’s your turn!

I’ve picked a really uplifting and happy card for you to tear into…the Three of Cups!

I wish there was a secret formula for figuring out the “dark side” of a cheery card, but there isn’t. So you just have to contemplate it and get creative…

Anna K Tarot

Tell me, in the comments below…what do you think this card’s dark traits are? What is the downside of all this celebration and camaraderie?

I can’t wait to hear your pessimism!!!!

The Dark Side…of those “Good” Tarot Cards Read More »

Are you Offended?

Veronica is my evil alter ego and co-author of my new workbook Your Alter Ego… Revealed!, a fun, sexy workbook that will change your life! Tarot Reader by day, martini swiller by night, this domineering vixen is here for one reason….to tell you how to live your life.

tarot of pagan cats
Tarot of the Pagan Cats

Have you ever offended anyone?

Sure you have. It’s not hard to do.

The average person is so wound up, just waiting….just waiting….for you to say one wrong word so they can explode in an orgasm of righteous fury!

My good twin Kate is all like “oh no! I didn’t mean to offend anyone” but I’m like “fuck it. I just did you a favor”

The truth of the matter is, most people like being offended. Why? because it makes them feel right. It let’s them feel one up.

And in case your wondering what does all this crap have to do with the three of swords and that pissed off looking white cat? I will tell you…

The Three of Swords is about feeling pain or disgust….and reveling in it.

Like mooning over pictures of your ex after he dumps you. Or writing letters of complaint to companies and institutions (and kind of getting off on it). Or those fluffy cats that make a career out of being cranky.

Getting offended helps people define themselves. It strengthens their sense of self.

So if you accidentally offended someone today, don’t feel bad. You just did them a favor and now they have something to bitch to their friends about!

Are you Offended? Read More »

Tarot Reading for Jan 30 – Feb 5

Here is your weekly Tarot reading for the week ahead! I just love reading with the Heart and Hands deck – for some reason I find these cards really easy to read with – even the court cards, which is saying something!

If you would like a private reading from me, I am offering them for the rest of January.

Have a wonderful week 🙂

Tarot Reading for Jan 30 – Feb 5 Read More »

3 Grade A Ways to Chill Out

Veronica is my evil alter ego and co-author of my new workbook Your Alter Ego… Revealed!, a fun, sexy workbook that will change your life! Tarot Reader by day, martini swiller by night, this domineering vixen is here for one reason….to tell you how to live your life.

Housewives Tarot

Your TV is like an electronic dictator in your own home that distracts and brainwashes you…worse than organized religion and the education system combined!

If you got rid of your TV you would be more creative, free and blissful. Trust me.

But you’re used to TV. You’ve always had one blaring in the background of your life. It’s become a creature comfort, a beacon of familiarity.

Without TV, how can you properly “veg out”? What will you snuggle up to after a long day of smiling and pretending to care?

As a proponent of the leisure and pleasure filled lifestyle, I understand your concern. It’s a valid one. So here are my top 3 TV alternatives for chilling out:

  1. Stick those glow in the dark stars all over your ceiling and lie in a sleeping bag on your floor and stare at them. Booze helps.

2. Set up a hammock in your living room and put on some Reggae. Weed helps.

3. Curl up on the couch with a heating pad and something smutty on your Kindle. Hot chocolate helps.

Okay, now I’m off to watch some shit on Netflix.

Oh shut up. It’s Netflix, not TV. It doesn’t even count!

3 Grade A Ways to Chill Out Read More »

What your LEAST favorite Tarot card says about you…

A while ago I wrote a blog post about what your favorite Tarot card says about you, but I think it’s actually your least favorite card that is the most revealing…

I was inspired by a fellow youtuber who said she was journalling about everything she disliked about the 6 of Pentacles as an exercise in shadow work. And this got me thinking about all the cards I just can’t stand!

So what Tarot card do you dislike the most? Which card makes you cringe whenever it shows up in a reading?

It may not even be a typically “negative” card – perhaps The Magician just pisses you right the f*ck off or the Queen of Cups makes you want to shank someone.

Personally, I can’t stand the Justice card. It just sucks.

Rider-Waite Tarot

Okay, so go through your deck right now and pick out ONE Tarot card that you don’t like. It doesn’t even have to be the worst card for you, just one that generates a general feeling of contempt.

Now, ask yourself this: what it is that I can’t stand about this card? Write it down on a bit of paper.

I’ll go first: I can’t stand how the Justice card is so serious. She seems totally humorless and un-mysterious like she is lacking magic and sexiness. She reminds me of what sometimes happens to people when they become “adults” – they turn responsible and boring.

Go over what you wrote and highlight the keywords. My keywords are serious, humorless, responsible and boring.

Working with one keyword at a time, ask yourself this:

In what ways am I ________ (insert keyword of choice here).

When I ask myself in what ways am I serious? I can think of lots of things. I diligently read all the ingredient labels of food and cosmetics before I buy them. I’m a non-drinker at parties and so I’m usually the only sober one. I use five methods of birth control…at the same time. I could go on, but you get the idea.

Now, look back at the card you totally hate.

If there’s a figure on the card, does it remind you of anyone?

Lady Justice reminds me of a dear friend who is so incredibly serious and rigid about everything that it’s a struggle to connect and have fun with her. I’ll say “hey let’s have a girls night out!” and she’ll say “no, I have to clean the mold out of my window sills. It needs to be done.”

What feeling arises within you when you gaze at this shitty card?

When I look at Justice, I feel that b*tch is judging me. I feel judged. And I feel like I’m not quite up to snuff.

Where in your life do you sometimes feel this way?

This can be a real eye opener. Often, the Tarot card we despise brings up feelings that we also happen to be experiencing in other aspects of our life.

In my case, I judge myself constantly. I am always thinking things like I didn’t get much accomplished today, I need to be more organized and hardworking, I’m going nowhere in life.

My inner judge is very active and mean so when I see a representation of her in the Justice card, I’m irritated.

Okay, so now what?

You’ve identified the parts of yourself that you dislike. You’ve identified the feelings that you dislike having. But now what? Where do you go from here?

Ask yourself this….

What is the upside to being _________(keyword of choice)?

So I would ask what’s the upside to being serious?

Just because you don’t like a certain part of yourself, doesn’t mean it doesn’t serve you well sometimes.

Then ask: What is this feeling of _______ trying to show me?

So I would ask what is the feeling of judgement/criticism trying to show me?

Negative emotions are there because they’re trying to tell you something.

When I judge myself harshly and feel crappy about it, I’m trying to tell myself something – that I’m not living up to my full potential, AND/ OR that I need to be kinder and more accepting of myself.

From there, I’ll leave it up to you to decide what changes you want to make or if just having the awareness of all of this is enough. Sometimes you don’t actually need to do anything at all. Which is nice 🙂

Want more? Check out my online course Tarot Journalling for Soul Explorers

What your LEAST favorite Tarot card says about you… Read More »

It’s time to reinvent yourself…so listen up!

Veronica is my evil alter ego and co-author of my new workbook Your Alter Ego… Revealed!, a fun, sexy workbook that will change your life! Tarot Reader by day, erotic fiction writer by night, this domineering vixen is here for one reason….to tell you how to live your life.

Universal Waite Tarot

Do you know someone who is always reinventing themselves?

One minute they’re a total asshole, next minute they’re all into yoga and recycling? But still an asshole.

Or maybe you’ve had the experience of being all like “I love gardening, animals and crafting” but six months later you’re like “fuck that. Now I’m into tanning beds, slot machines and Tinder.”

We’re fickle bitches and we change like the seasons. And that is A-Okay.

You’re a spiritual being here for an experience and you can’t experience much if you just do the same old crap day in, day out.

Sometimes your regular hobbies, routines, social life and job can feel like old, worn out, unhip clothes. Time for a new wardrobe!

This weekend, do something out of character. Do something fresh, something unexpected. If you normally go to art galleries and museums, hit up the casino! If you usually get drunk and watch porn, bake bran muffins and read some poetry.

But most importantly….have fun!

It’s time to reinvent yourself…so listen up! Read More »