Social Etiquette: Veronica style

Veronica is my evil twin/alter ego and queen of Tarot. She has everything I don’t….copious cleavage, hordes of boy toys trailing after her and a hankering for day drinking. The only thing I have in common with her is we both write about Tarot for this blog!

eight of swords

Dame Darcy Tarot

Have you ever found yourself at a dinner party, seated next to someone who just won’t shut the fuck up?

You sit there all polite and quiet, listening to them drone on and on about their gluten sensitivity and talented grandchildren….

All the while resenting every minute and frantically looking for an escape. But they are not your jailer. Your misplaced sense of politeness is.

Then, after an evening of storing up all your anger, you get home to your loving spouse and viciously tear into him for leaving a dirty fork on the counter!

Here’s the thing – your politeness is like money, it isn’t limitless. So don’t go squandering all your nicey niceness on boring people who suck. Save it for those who matter.

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Was someone mean to you? Veronica to the rescue!

Veronica is my badass rebel twin sister who doesn’t take it lying down. She writes smut, astral travels, knows how to fly and eats cute boys for breakfast. And oh yeah, she reads Tarot too…

Anna K Tarot

Not sure what’s going on this week (Mercury retrograde?) but the assholes are coming out of the woodwork, sending me mean emails and leaving nasty comments on my blog.

Here’s a sampling of the fan mail I’ve received this week…

“You are a horrible human being. I don’t believe in you or anything you’re selling. Blessed be.”

“You spelled ‘their’ wrong again, you dumb c*nt. It’s ‘their” not ‘they’re’.

And my personal favorite…

“You could have been a hero but instead you are a zero.”

At least that one rhymed!

Maybe you can relate. Maybe you have a “customer service” job where you take crap from people ALL DAY LONG.

Or maybe you’re just sick of mean people being mean.

Do you wanna know what Veronica did? She met up with some friends for coffee, read these mean emails out loud and they all laughed. Oh how they laughed!

So…. I want to know….what was the last ridiculously mean thing someone said to you? Tell me in the comments below and we will have a good laugh about it together 🙂

Was someone mean to you? Veronica to the rescue! Read More »

Reading for April 10 – 16

Well, well, well, if it isn’t my nefarious little kitty up to her usual tricks! This video gets hijacked by my feline friend but luckily she quiets down and wanders off so I can get on with the reading. I am using a new deck – the Wolff’s Cartomancy deck by Bianca Wolff – lots of boobs and naked dudes (my kind of deck!). Enjoy!

Have a wonderful week!

Reading for April 10 – 16 Read More »

Veronica needs your help!

Sooooo….Veronica totally dropped the ball today. She forgot to do a reading. She was too busy smoking weed and watching ASMR videos on YouTube last night. I know, I know, I’m just as disgusted with her as you are!

So just for some crazy fun, I decided to post a Tarot card and let YOU interpret it like you think Veronica would. So take a deep breath, flex your fingers, saddle up to the keyboard and do your best Veronica impression…

Here is the 6 of Rods (or Wands) from the Anna K Tarot….

Anna K Tarot

Please post your interpretation in the comments below 🙂

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How to get everything you’ve ever wanted

Veronica is my nefarious Tarot reading twin. At night she slinks through the streets under the cover of darkness, hunting for young, unsuspecting man-meat. By daylight she naps, writes filth and eats bon bons. But on Fridays, she reads Tarot – for you, right here…

Cosmic Tarot

Have you noticed that the more out of reach something is, the more attractive it becomes?

Married men, luxury yachts and some fucking peace and quiet are all good examples.

But have you also noticed that when you stop wanting something, that’s when you finally get it?

The only jobs I’ve ever gotten were jobs I never really wanted. Come to think of it, I’ve never really wanted a job – ever.

When you don’t need or want something, you keep your power. And that power emanates from you like a sexy glow, attracting moths, lovers, jobs and all sorts of shit.

So stop wanting. Stop being so god damn needy all the time! Stop drooling over pricey shoes and underage pizza delivery boys. Geez!

When you don’t want or need anything, no one can control you. You can’t be tempted, seduced or manipulated. You are your own person. A maverick. A trailblazer. Strutting to your own slutty beat. Or maybe that’s just me?

In any case, I absolutely DO NOT WANT to live in a seaside castle with 100 cats and kittens, eating vanilla-lemon cupcakes all day and watching ASMR videos on the youtubes. Not at all 😉

What about you? What do you absolutely NOT want in your life?

How to get everything you’ve ever wanted Read More »

Is this sexy?


veronica 2Veronica is my nefarious Tarot reading twin – she’s just like me except she drinks all day, loves offending people and honestly….she has way more fun! Let’s see what ridiculous advice she has for us today…

druidcraft tarot the star

Druidcraft Tarot

A few months ago I stopped shaving my armpits. Why? Because I think it’s sexy.

Although no one else does. Yet.

But just you wait – I think I’m onto something.

My point is this – The Star is all about relaxed sensuality, going with the forces of nature and just being all round chill.

My armpit hair wants to grow, so I let it. Go with the flow and don’t try to fight nature.

Our lame, predictable society tells us that we must constantly fight against nature in order to be sexy – like waxing all your body hair off, slathering nasty antiperspirant on your pits and ….well, come to think of it, most of this violence is against armpits.

Anyhow, not doing this stuff is a small act of rebellion and it feels divine! I’m not saying you should be hairy and smelly – maybe that’s not your thing, but just let go a little, don’t fight your body so much….

Even though we can’t really see it, I’m willing to be The Star has armpit hair…in fact, I’d bet my left pit stain on it!

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