Veronica’s Bitchy Take on The Hanged Man…
Veronica is my evil twin and alter ego. She lives in a world of red feather boas, salted caramels and gorgeous man-sluts. Having mastered the fine arts of leisure and pleasure and is here to slap some sense into you with her deck of Tarot cards…..

Today’s Tarot card is The Hanged Man and it’s message is as clear as day – if someone’s annoying you today, hang them out to dry!
There’s someone in your life who is more demanding than necessary. Maybe more than one person. Always wanting you to rearrange your schedule to suit their bullshit needs.
Normally, you rush and scramble to cater to these fucks. Well, no more. No More!
Your time is fucking gold. People should be tripping over themselves to be gifted with even a mere moment of your precious attention.
And yet your good friend wants to reschedule your lunch date today for 45 minutes later because she’s waiting for the UPS guy to show up with the new juicer she ordered. Um….WTF?!
Or maybe your pesky client just doesn’t show up for their appointment with you. Typical.
Don’t get all flustered and be all like “hmf, hmf, nobody respects me! People treat me like crap!”
Nip that shit in the bud. Don’t give second chances. Don’t say horribly untrue things like “It’s okay, I understand. Sure. We can reschedule. No problem, I don’t mind.”
Because doing that kills your soul….slowly.
Even if all you have on your schedule for today are naps, reading, and more naps….it doesn’t matter. Stop being so damn flexible!
Veronica’s Bitchy Take on The Hanged Man… Read More »