tarot cards

The Hierophant ~ Ignore the Control Freaks! (Friday)

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir, the The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin, is a Tarot reader extraordinaire who gets her thrills by spying on neighbors with binoculars, doing nude yoga in her backyard and eating coconut ice cream straight out of the carton. Here’s her take on The Hierophant…

The Housewives Tarot

It’s Friday! Time to ignore the presumptuous dictators in your life.

Is there some douche-bag in your life who likes to tell you what to do all the time? Like a neighbor that tells you to stop doing nude yoga on your deck because he finds if “offensive”….pfffft!

Tune them out and get on with your fabulous life.

The Hierophant does not refer only to annoying people, but also to various forms of mind control, like the media which is constantly pumping out a barrage of depressing ideas and useless information. Your mind absorbs this junk like a sponge. Even if you are a smarty pants.

Try unplugging your TV and ignoring your newspapers for a couple of weeks and see how happy it makes you feel. Trust me, this works better than a Prozac-Cocaine cocktail and there are no side effects, unless you count unexplained bliss and non-existent anxiety.

If you get bored, just spy on your neighbors with binoculars instead of watching TV in the evenings.

The Hierophant ~ Ignore the Control Freaks! (Friday) Read More »

Eight of Cups – Ditch the Mundane! (Monday)

8 cups tarot card
Tarot of Mermaids by Lo Scarabeo

Today you are searching for deeper meaning. The Eight of Cups shows that you are no longer content to dwell on the surface of things and shiny, superficial stuff holds no temptation for you anymore.

You may have an urge to leave something behind, reject an offer, or go off in search of a new adventure.

As you adjust to this new side of yourself, understand that you have raised your standards considerably! What may have satisfied you before now bores you to tears.

Mundane chit chat holds no interest for you – so instigate those deep conversations and don’t be afraid to be controversial. If having a safe, stable job once felt just right for you, be prepared for it to feel all wrong. This is good! You are evolving and as you take risks and let go of the old way of thinking, your life will feel richer and more alive than ever before!

Eight of Cups – Ditch the Mundane! (Monday) Read More »

5 Reasons to Try Interactive Tarot Reading TODAY!

Last week I told you all about Interactive Tarot Reading – what it is, how I love it and how I think its a total game changer. If you missed that post, click here to read it.

This week, I want to fess up and tell you exactly why I am into this style of reading so much…

5 Reasons to Start Doing Interactive Tarot Reading TODAY:

1. Its easy!

Reading in this style is actually much more relaxing than the more mainstream/traditional way of reading Tarot cards, where the reader is doing most of the talking and interpreting (like a performer) and the client sits back and observes (like an audience).

Stop thinking Performance and start thinking Collaboration. Performance style reading lets your client off the hook too easily, whereas collaborative reading rightly assumes your client has valuable insights into their own life.

If you have ever felt drained after giving a reading, try incorporating some interactive techniques into your reading. Reading in this style actually gives you energy!


2. You can shed the heavy cloak of “responsibility”

In a typical reading, the client asks questions and the reader answers them. If you are the reader, this puts a lot of pressure on you. What if you say the wrong thing and your client gets upset? What if your wrong? What if answering their question is actually unethical? Ugh! All this crappola can give you a headache!

When you read Tarot in an interactive style, you eliminate the burden of responsibility. Of course you are still responsible for asking the right questions, steering the reading in a positive direction and helping the client feel safe, understood, empowered, etc. But you no longer have that pressure of coming up with accurate predictions, impressing your client and all that 1990’s Miss Cleo infomercial claptrap.


3. It’s fun!

Interactive Tarot reading is 1000 times more fun than what I now call old-school Tarot reading.  Traditional Tarot reading can be hard, like working as a chambermaid in a Mexican resort with no air conditioning. Interactive Tarot reading is like being a guest at the hotel and playing tennis or ping pong while hot bartenders serve you drinks and pat your brow with ice cold towels.

Maybe that’s a weird analogy, but when there’s an equal sharing of effort as you interact with your client (like in tennis), things are kept fun and energizing.


4. Your client will love it!!!!

Interactive Tarot reading is empowering. It helps your client discover their own blocks and create their own solutions. Yes, there will be some people who say shit like “But your the Tarot reader, aren’t you supposed to tell me what to do?” This can be avoided by explaining how you do your readings before the reading starts.

Best of all, your client gets to talk about themselves waaaaay more than in an “old school Tarot reading”. And I find that most people love to talk about themselves!


5. Interactive Tarot readings are POWERFUL!

They get to the root of an issue and because the client is so involved in the process, the reading is that much more memorable and transformational.

While many people claim that they just want to be told what to do, most will not actually take your advice. Just look at how many people start diets and then fail. Being given a set of instructions hardly ever leads to transformation. As Tarot readers, we must go deeper.


But does Interactive Tarot Reading really fly with people?

Don’t they get pissed that you aren’t doing all the work and telling them their future? Next week, in part three of this series, I will share my personal experience with trying out this reading method….. juicy deets coming your way! Get ready.

Read Part 3: My Adventures in Interactive Tarot Reading


5 Reasons to Try Interactive Tarot Reading TODAY! Read More »

Interactive Tarot Reading: An Ultra-Juicy Reading Method!

I am so excited to tell you all about “Interactive Tarot Card Reading” and how its totally changing how I look at doing readings. In my humble opinion, this reading method is the Bees Knees. Not everyone will agree. Some will say “that sucks” or “that’s cheating.” You be the judge!

This is part one of what will be a three part series of blog posts all about this edgy, creative and daring way of reading the cards. So hold onto your hat!


What is Interactive Tarot Reading?

When you give an “Interactive” Tarot Reading, you will ask your client lots of open-ended questions and get them involved in the reading as much as possible. In a way, you are kind of coaching them on how to read for themselves.

Interactive Tarot reading works best when you are reading in-person, but it can also be done via Skype or telephone. It can be done when you are reading for yourself or another person.

Here’s an example of how an Interactive Tarot Reading might go down:

Let’s say you get The High Priestess. Before you rattle off the meaning, you may ask your client “what do you notice first when you look at this card?”

high priestess tarot card meaning
Universal Waite Tarot Deck

Client: the ocean in the background

Reader: and what does the ocean represent to you?

Client: fear! I am terrified of the ocean. I always worry about what might be lurking beneath and it always seems so deep and so vast and so dangerous. And I never learned to swim.

Reader: Is there any area of your life where you feel fearful and over your head?

Client: Yes! My relationship with my boyfriend. In fact, they way I feel about the ocean parallels how I feel about commitment. The deeper I get in my romantic relationship, the more panicky and unstable I feel. In the past I have ended relationships because of this.

Reader: Interesting! When you look at the woman on this card, what comes to mind?

Client: She seems really calm and powerful, like the fear that I just mentioned would never plague her. She seems above it all.

Reader: Have you ever risen above your fears?

Client: Lots of times! Just last Summer I conquered my fear of flying and got on a plane to Hawaii.

Reader: That’s amazing! How did you do it?

Client: I listened to a self-hypnosis meditation before boarding the plane and I used positive affirmations for weeks leading up to my vacation.

Reader: Have you tried using affirmations for your relationship fears?

Client: No, that has never occurred to me. What a fabulous idea! I am going to give that a try. Wow, your brilliant!

At this point in the reading, the you may opt to tell your client the meaning of The High Priestess and then interpret it in the light of the information she has just given you. For example:

Reader: The High Priestess often symbolizes an awakening of psychic energies and an initiation into working with the “mysteries” – including the subconscious mind, which is what you were doing with your affirmations and self-hypnosis! It feels like now is a great time to claim the role of High Priestess in your own life, particularly in relation to managing your fears. Whenever you feel afraid or out of your depths, it can be helpful to picture this image of the High Priestess sitting there all calm and powerful and ask “what would she do in this situation?”

So, as you can see, and interactive Tarot reading is all about bringing out the innate wisdom of your client and then adding your two cents as well.

As I mentioned earlier, you can also do an Interactive Tarot reading on yourself. Take your time pondering each card, ask yourself questions and go outside the box by letting go of the mainstream Tarot meanings. I teach you how to do this in my free audio tutorial, so if you haven’t listened to it yet, do it!

So why bother reading this way? What are the big benefits? I am going to give you 5 smokin’ hot reasons next week in part 2! So stay tuned!

Read Part 2: Five Reasons Why You Should Try Interactive Tarot Reading


In the meantime, I want to hear your thoughts on this – have you ever dabbled in Interactive Tarot Reading? Can you think of any pitfalls of this type of reading style? Share your thoughts in the comment section below!

Interactive Tarot Reading: An Ultra-Juicy Reading Method! Read More »

Should You Let Others Touch Your Tarot Cards?

To touch or not to touch? That is the question!

I am often asked “is it okay for others to touch my Tarot cards?”
There is a belief that if someone else handles your cards, their energy will be absorbed by the deck and mess up the accuracy of future readings.

This is a legitimate concern and it is certainly possible. BUT…..

To be concerned that someone’s energy could mess up your cards is kind of like being worried that someone might get their germs on your doorknob. Yes, it happens, but that’s what Purrell is for!

So yes, when you let other’s get their grubby mits on your cards, you run the risk of them contaminating the deck – both energetically and germ-wise. But there are so many methods of clearing your deck, that this shouldn’t be a concern for you.

Some Zippy Ways to Cleanse Your Deck:

  • Simply shuffle it and intend that the shuffling is removing any unwanted energy
  • Place your cards on your windowsill over night on a Full Moon! Witchy!
  • Put a crystal, like clear quartz, on top of the deck for a few hours
  • Knock on your deck to break up and dispell any leftover energy
  • Waft burning sage over your cards (sage is a wonderful energy cleanser – its like the Purrell of the spirit realms)
burning sage
Burning Sage can cleanse your Tarot cards of negative or unwanted energies

Having said all that, some Tarot card readers just prefer to be the only one handling their cards and letting others touch their cards would be just plain wrong, like sharing underwear. And that’s okay too. Do what you feel most comfortable with.

Personally, if I am having my Tarot cards read, I like to choose my own cards and touch them as much as possible! This makes me feel like I am participating fully in my own reading and that the cards I end up with couldn’t be wrong since I chose them. And if someone tells me I can’t touch something, I feel like a five year old in an art gallery and I WANT TO TOUCH even more!

So here’s my two cents:

If you have been reading Tarot for years and never let anyone touch your cards and this is the way you like it – keep doing it that way. If it works, do it.

But if you are new to Tarot and are wondering whether or not you should let other’s touch your cards when your reading for them, RELAX! It’s totally fine for others to touch away. In fact, I feel like this enhances the authenticity of a reading. You just need to trust in the power of your intention to clear your Tarot deck of any unwanted energies afterwards.

It’s okay to let others touch away! (Cards shown: Druidcraft Tarot)

I am curious to hear what your take on this is! So let me know in the comments below how you feel about people touching your cards – are you okay with it? Or do you have a strict no-touch policy?

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The High Priestess ~ Go Within Today!

the high priestess
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The High Priestess of the Paulina Tarot comes to you today in all her mysterious femininity, reminding you of your own power and mystique.

Her body is made up of eyes, suggesting you look inward at what is inside you. Don’t be overly concerned with what’s going on outside of you today. Since the outer is a reflection of the inner state, go within.

That is the secret that this Mona-Lisa-esque High Priestess is here to tell you. Don’t overlook what’s happening within you. If you are at war with yourself, you will create battles in your daily life. If you feel emotionally blocked, your life will also feel “stuck” in many ways.

You are full of mysteries just waiting to be explored and practices like meditation, journalling, creative writing and yoga all help you do this. So carve out some “me-time” this week and rock out 😉

The High Priestess ~ Go Within Today! Read More »

Time to Take Charge with the Two of Wands Tarot Card (Monday)

two of wands tarot card
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

The Two of Wands Tarot Card asks you this: where do you want to go now? What do you want to do with yourself?

You have reached a point of pause in your life, a contemplative standstill. Its up to you what the next steps will be!

You possess much experience, strength, insight and understanding (symbolized by the world that this guy is holding), but don’t turn away from that and try to tell yourself you don’t know what your doing. Because you do!

Don’t let others make the big decisions for you right now and notice if you are telling yourself “oh, I’ll just do nothing and see what happens.”

This is your time to take charge of your life and make your own plans, so hesitate only to contemplate your next move and then rock on with life.

Time to Take Charge with the Two of Wands Tarot Card (Monday) Read More »

Emotions are Brewing! King of Cups is Tuesday’s Tarot Card.

king of cups
Crystal Visions Tarot

Do you feel an urge to suppress strong feelings today, for fear they may overtake you completely?

The King of Cups suggests that your willingness to work with your emotions is where your power lies. You don’t need to run from overwhelming feelings – go into them, feel them, let them do their thing.

You may appear calm and collected to others – this is why people seek you out for emotional support! But under the surface you are a tumultuous sea of emotional activity.

As you explore your emotions, you will learn more and more about yourself, which gives you a mature, powerful, king-like presence in the world. So don’t be afraid to get your feet wet in the emotional waters today!

What is the main emotion that is bubbling beneath your calm exterior today? Tell me in the comments below…

Emotions are Brewing! King of Cups is Tuesday’s Tarot Card. Read More »