Queen of Cups ~ F*ck this Christmas sh*t!

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir is my batshit crazy twin sister. She is just like me except she’s brilliant, has no sense of guilt or shame, speaks her mind and does whatever she wants, when she wants! Kind of like a psychopath….but with a heart of gold. Oh, and she also reads Tarot…

queen of cups
Morgan-Greer Tarot

T’is the season…

To be inundated with boring work parties, excruciating family get togethers, shit Christmas music warbling in the background as you shuffle through the mall and the worst thing of all….buying presents for other people. Blech!

“Well at least there’s lots of alcohol around,” purrs the Queen of Cups. “So drink up, slut!”

When you see this Queen’s far off, glazy stare you just know she’s thinking “I’m gonna need to knock back two more goblets of Dubonet to survive listening to Larry from finance drone on about World of Warcraft for the next hour.”

So my advice for this weekend is this: use whatever aids you have available to you – ahem! hard liquor to help get you through this difficult time. And if you end up behaving inappropriately as a result, well…blame it on whoever’s closest. Especially if they’re dressed like a whore.

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Are Tarot Cards People?

I am always trying to think of fun ways to connect with my Tarot cards and get a better understanding of them.

From meditating with my cards to interviewing my Tarot deck, I’ve tried it all!

But the other day, one of my readers said she likes to use her Tarot cards as inspiration for character development in her writing….and this got me thinking….

What if I looked at each Tarot card as if it was a person with unique character traits, quirks and secret desires?

I decided to start with one of my favorite cards, the Queen of Wands.

crystal visions tarot
Crystal Visions Tarot

I imagine her to be a real go-getter. Sophisticated, focused and driven, I bet she would read books like Write it Down, Make it Happen and The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People.

If it was the 80’s she would be rockin’ the shoulder pads!

She’s the kind of gal who gets up at 6 am to workout to an aerobics tape like this one:

As a dinner date she is interesting company, but never stops talking…which can get a bit obnoxious.

Of course, this is easy enough to do with a Court Card, but what about a minor arcana card like the Four of Cups?

four of cups
Anna K Tarot

If the Four of Cups were a person, he would be one of those passive-aggressive types. When asked where he wants to go for dinner, he would reply “wherever you want to go” but then be all dissatisfied and resentful about it!

On vacation, he always finds things to be unhappy about – from the low threadcount hotel sheets to the lukewarm quiche.

If friends recommend books and movies to him, he is always “disappointed”  and nothing is quite up to snuff. “I read The Hunger Games,” he laments “and I really don’t see what you liked about it.”

The Four of Cups likes to play it safe. He gravitates to the mundane things in life – only watching blockbusters and eating in chain restaurants – so no wonder he is eternally unsatisfied!

His secret wish is to feel ALIVE in everything he does, but his fear of the unknown holds him back.

Your turn!

Choose a Tarot card that you find a bit perplexing. Now pretend that it isn’t just a card….it’s a person!

What personality traits does he/she have?

What kind of movies does he/she like?

What kind of hobbies are of interest?

What is his/her secret desire?

Tell me what you come up with in the comment section below!

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Bust out of that coffin! Tarot card for Friday…

fridays with veronica

Universal Waite Tarot

Question of the day: What coffin do you long to burst out of? What tiresome “role” makes you feel like a zombie? It’s time to bust loose!

Judgement is here to let you know that a re-birth is in order. This card is choc-full of phallic and vaginal symbolism – people leaping out of dark boxes and an angel going to town on a large golden “trumpet”. Good god! What does is all mean?

It means wake the fuck up and start living! It’s easy to corpse-walk your way through life, but who wants to do that?

The trumpet actually symbolizes your divine calling. Are you going to listen and act? Or are you going to stay in that safe little coffin of yours?

But how do you do that? Let me tell you…..

Do ONE THING today that a zombie would be incapable of doing. You’ll be surprised by how this eliminates most of your daily activites 😉 Then report back here and share what you did!

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Tarot Card for Thursday ~ 6 of Cups

6 of cups
Morgan-Greer Tarot

Today’s Tarot card is Six of Cups and it is all about helping a friend out. Someone needs your assistance today – perhaps it is just a kind work of encouragement that is needed or maybe a little more.

But here’s a word of warning – help only if it feels good for you. Don’t help out of a sense of should or duty – especially if it feels heavy and draining for you.

Someone could use your help today, but its your genuine spirit of generosity that is needed, not the actual action of help, if that makes sense!

Help is only helpful if it is freely given. And remember…there is no shame in saying “no”.


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Tarot Card for Wednesday ~ 9 of Pentacles!

9 pentacles
Tarot of the Mermaids

Today’s Tarot card is the Nine of Pentacles and it is all about discovering the treasures you already have. It is tempting to think about what you want to manifest, but this cards suggests you actually don’t need all that stuff.

You have a treasure trove of inner riches that are still waiting to be explored! I am talking about your untapped psychic potential, your inner blissful states that can be achieved through meditation, and much more!

You don’t need tv, shopping malls and internet – exploring your consciousness and energy is fascinating enough, even though you may not have considered this. So consider it now!

Tonight, instead of plugging into something electronic, go within and see what’s there. Get quiet and then…watch and wait…see what happens!


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Angel Card for Tuesday ~ Brilliant Idea!

brilliant idea
Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

You have recently had a brilliant idea…perhaps more than one! Don’t ignore it – write it down, sleep on it and then make an action plan so you can make your idea come to life!

Inspiration will come to you like a thunderbolt and then as quickly as it came, it is gone. So you need to act fast and grasp the inspiration as it arrives.

Whatever you do, don’t say “well, I will do this when I have more time.”  The time is now or else the idea would not have come to you!


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Tarot Card for Monday ~ Eight of Cups

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

The Eight of Shells (aka Eight of Cups), comes today to remind you that you may never feel you have enough. You many never feel like you have “arrived” – so don’t go striving for something that doesn’t exist!

Like the octopus, you want to touch many different things! You want to do a little of this, a little of that, all with the hope that something will satisfy that deep, inner craving….but for what? You aren’t sure.

The best thing you can do today is retract your tentacles from all the distractions of your life. Meditate in a quiet room and pretend you are at the bottom of the ocean, relaxing in the still, deep waters.

When you stop searching, you may just find what you’ve been looking for!

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Tarot Card for Friday ~ Knight of Cups

fridays with veronicaVeronica is my evil twin and she loves to give bad advice! She wrote this reading at midnight while sipping Bailey’s and watching some smutty late night foreign film. Enjoy…

knight of cups tarot
New Palladini Tarot

The Knight of Cups is at it again! Drinking on the job and raising his martini glass to toast his newest adventure. I like this guy!

But you know what I really like about him? He wears pink. Out of all the testosterone fueled Knights, this guy is blatantly androgynous – or dare I say feminine?

His colleagues (the other three knights) may wield phallic objects and look all serious, but he went “fuck this. I’m going to have a drink and wear a pink feather in my helmet. And I don’t give two shits where I end up as long as its interesting and fun.”

Today, be like the Knight of Cups! Contrary to what Kate said on Monday and Tuesday, don’t make a plan! Get distracted! Go wherever the wind takes you and raise a glass to all wandering spirits. Enjoy the journey!

*Are you an aspiring business lady (or man)? Want to hear my cracked out business advice? Check out Kris Oster’s rockin’ blog right here to read my article Get Drunk on the Beach!

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Tarot Card for Thursday ~ The Lovers

the lovers
Morgan-Greer Tarot

The Lovers come to you today to remind you be rational and sensible, despite feeling passionate about something.

It’s great to feel caught up in passion and excitement – whether its for a person, project, hobby or idea – but don’t make any decisions when you are this excited about something.

Wait until the passion has died down to commit yourself. Commitments made in the heat of the moment are usually a mistake. Yes, follow your passion, but don’t follow it blindly.

Make sure you give yourself space to take a breath and choose wisely.

*Can’t wait until Friday to get your dose of Veronica? Check out her article Get Drunk on the Beach on Kris Oster’s blog and learn how to be successful in business (and life!)

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Wednesday’s Oracle Card ~ Transformation

Vibrational Energy Oracle Cards by Debbie A. Anderson

You are in a period of transformation at the moment – transitioning from one phase to the next. It helps to know this and to be gentle to yourself as you grow your wings 🙂

Emerging into an expanded and free version of yourself isn’t easy. Some days it can feel awful, confusing and frustrating. But think of the butterfly and process it goes through in the cocoon.

Everyday you have the option of changing and transforming yourself and how you see and experience things. Nothing stays the same, even if you sometimes think so.

It’s time to get out of your own way and let your wings emerge!

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