Angel Card Reading for Oct 28 – Nov 3

Archangel Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

This weeks Angel card is Peace and the message is “Peace comes from remembering that only love is real.”

This week is all about finding peace within yourself, even if your surroundings are not very peaceful or loving. This is the only way that real change can be created.

Start seeing stress, conflicts and mishaps in your life as opportunities to find peace within. You may find yourself feeling very resistant to something or someone this week – see if you can drop that resistance.

Anytime you catch yourself thinking that things should be different than they are, then you know you are not in the process of creating peace. Let go of the desire to change everything and improve things – instead, just focus on improving how you feel about things, one step at a time.

You are at a time in your life where creating peace within yourself is totally do-able – your level of awareness is awakening more and more each day. So this week, as you go about your daily activities, check in with yourself every now and then and ask “Am I creating peace?”

Just asking this simple question will quickly move you into a state of peace and joy!

Note: On November 4th I will return with my daily readings. Thank you for your patience 🙂

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Connect and Collaborate ~ Two of Cups for Oct 21 – 27th

2 of cups
Morgan-Greer Tarot

This week’s Tarot card is the Two of Cups, which means that making meaningful connections with others will be of utmost importance to you this week.

Focus on forming bonds and alliances and if you find yourself getting all in a snit about something someone said, put it on the backburner. Its not important right now.

See the weird quirks in others as assets and not obstacles to friendship. You can learn something from someone in your life this week – someone who normally drives you crazy. You share values with this person, even if you don’t realize it yet!

This week is a good time to collaborate with others on projects. Don’t try to be a hero and do everything yourself – two heads are better than one (well, usually!). If you are feeling an urge to reach out to someone – do it. You won’t regret it.

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Lion Courage! ~ Tarot Card for Oct 14 – 20

Animal Wisdom Tarot by Dawn Brunke

This week is all about finding your strength and expressing it compassionately.

In order to be truly courageous, you must also be centered in your heart. How do you do this? Work towards dissolving the fear within you.

Being riddled with fear stops you from being courageous and feeling love for life and humanity. But don’t focus too much on fear, as that will only make you more fearful!

Instead, focus on feeling safe. This doesn’t mean staying within your comfort zone – it means stepping out of your comfort zone, but feeling safe while doing so.

You may want to work with an affirmation this week, such as “I am safe and divinely protected at all times.” Whenever you feel fear creeping in, repeat this affirmation.

Another trick you can try when you feel the need for a dose of courage, is imagine you have a giant lion standing next to you, ready to defend you if need be. Notice how different you carry yourself when you do this.

You will be amazed at what you can do when you are no longer ruled by fear!

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What Do You REALLY Want? Let Your Tarot Cards Tell All…

If you’re like most Tarot readers, you’ve probably consulted your Tarot cards to get insight into the future.

For some reason we are all endlessly fascinated with THE FUTURE. But you know what? I am sick and tired of The Future. It’s totally boring.

Discovering my deepest, innermost desires and motivations is much more riveting!

So pick up your Tarot or Oracle card deck and join me on a journey to your subconscious and lets discover what really makes you tick. The Future can wait. It always does 😉

Okay, lets get personal for a minute. Do you know what you want? What you really want? What you truly desire? Write it down – try to condense it to just one sentence or one word.


My Story…

Now bear with me for a minute as I ramble about my own life. I thought I knew exactly what I wanted. I wanted to make lots of money doing what I love and be able to support myself and my partner so he didn’t have to work. But year after year, I wasn’t any closer to my goal.

I knew the steps I needed to take to make things happen, yet I wasn’t taking them. I was procrastinating. So if I knew what I wanted and knew how to get it, why was I not doing it?

The answer to that question was that even though I did want to make lots of money, I wanted something else as well. And that “something else” much more appealing than buckets of cash.

I asked my Tarot deck “what do I really want?”

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Robin Wood Tarot

I got the Four of Swords. To me, this Tarot card is all about rest, respite and downtime. This, in fact, is what I really want more than anything. Downtime to just relax and simply be. I just wasn’t admitting it to myself!

Since I associate money and success with work and busyness, the idea of making lots of money secretly held no appeal. This insight allowed me to begin shifting my beliefs about money, work and freedom – the first steps in creating real change!

Not knowing what you really want can hold you back from living an amazingly satisfying life. Sounds simple, but it eluded me for years.


 Okay, now it’s your turn!

Question!: Is there something you just can’t seem to manifest, even though you really want it? What do you tell yourself you should do, but then don’t? Write it down!

Analyze: Now compare what you just wrote to what you wrote in the beginning about what you think you really want. Do the two mesh well or area they opposing each other?

Talk to your Tarot: Ask your Tarot deck “what do I actually really truly want?” Draw a card. Write it down. Do some hard-core journalling about what you think this card means.

If your Tarot card makes no f**king sense, read this.

If you got a really shitty card, like Eight of Swords, read the card in terms of it’s opposite meaning. For example, the Eight of Swords represents being stuck, so your desire would be freedom or perhaps being rescued.

If you want to share what card you got, share away in the comment section below! I can’t wait to find out what your secret desire is 🙂

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Assertiveness ~ Oracle Card for Monday – Friday

Magical Messages from the Fairies Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

The Oracle card of the week is all about Assertiveness!The message on this card says “stand up for your beliefs and only say yes if you really want to.”

Sometimes its nice to just kick back and let things happen and not make a fuss – but this week that just isn’t you!

Don’t be afraid to openly disagree with those closest to you and to make your own needs and intentions clear.

The key is to do this in a relaxed, matter of fact manner and don’t let the “little me” get in the way. In other words, assertiveness isn’t just about saying “no” for the sake of it or taking things personally and getting all bent out of shape. It’s about clearly stating what you really want.

You may feel tempted to just go along with what someone else wants in order to keep the peace, but you won’t feel all that peaceful on the inside if you do that! So let your inner fairy of assertiveness out to play this week!

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The Lovers ~ Tarot Card for Monday – Friday

the cosmic tarot the lovers
The Cosmic Tarot

The Lovers Tarot Card is all about unity, connection and balance.

What do you find yourself powerfully drawn to this week? It could be a person, place or thing. Often we are drawn to something that is lacking in ourselves in an attempt to balance things out.

Communication and connecting with others may seem easier than usual this week and don’t be surprised if you feel a surge of passion towards something you had thought long forgotten – like an old hobby, for example.

Although The Lovers Tarot card is all about opposites attracting, try to look for the commonality that you share with others, rather than your differences – this will help you get on the same page with friends, family and colleagues.

*Note: For the month of October I am going to be taking a breather from my daily readings. Instead, I will be posting a card of the week. This will give me time to write more articles, reviews, videos, etc…I will return with my daily readings in November 🙂


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My Top 5 Tarot Decks!

Since I love, love, love making lists and coming up with my top 5 movies, top 5 books, etc, I thought it would be fun to list my top 5 Tarot decks. Keep in mind this is the top 5 Tarot decks amongst the Tarot decks I own and not all Tarot decks in existence! So of course, my top 5 Tarot decks list is a little biased. But if I could only keep five of my Tarot decks (god forbid!) these are the ones I’d grab:

note: all links in this article are affiliate links

1) Crystal Visions Tarot

Crystal Visions Tarot by Jennifer Galasso

I just can’t get enough of this magical, girly, touchy-feely Tarot deck! I love everything about it – except the white borders, which I hacked off with a paper cutter. At first glance you may think oh, this is another once of those wimpy, fluffy, bullshit decks…but no! It’s not. It’s totally awesome in so many ways.

I go on and on about how great the Crystal Visions Tarot deck is right here, so I will keep it short here. This deck never disappoints me. I always feel comforted and supported when I do a reading with these cards – its kind of like talking with a really wise friend who knows me well, is totally honest, but never a bitch.

The colours are delicious, the energy is divine – and I have never had an “off” reading with this deck yet! This is my go-to deck when I am all in a flap about something.

To see the various readings I have done with this deck, click here.

2) Osho Zen Tarot

Osho Zen Tarot by Ma Deva Padma

The Osho Zen Tarot is one bad-ass deck! I love it because it puts a whole new spin on the traditional Tarot cards. Its new-agey and “spiritual” – but not in a cheesy way. I feel like these cards were really designed for contemplation, not fortune telling.

Most importantly, these cards feel sublime when you shuffle them, which is a trait few Tarot decks possess, quite sadly. I love the way these cards pull me back into the present moment, into my center, so I am not spazzing out over life.

Reading with the Osho Zen deck is like sitting down with a really good therapist…..almost! Hop over here to read my full review on this deck.

3) Druidcraft Tarot

The Druidcraft Tarot by Stephanie Carr-Gomm and Will Worthington

The Druidcraft Tarot is a delightfully witchy deck with a distinct pagan feel. For some reason this deck reminds me of Fall, my favorite time of year, when its crispy and smoky outside and almost Halloween.

The cards are kind of big, which makes shuffling a pain in the ass, but the beauty of the cards makes up for this. I don’t really use this deck much, but I bring it out on special occasions and to give myself important readings.

This is a very earthy deck and the people in it are kind of fugly, which huge feet and beer guts and stuff like that. Overall, the cards have such an old, wise feel to them, making this an extra-special deck.

Go here to see how I interpreted some of the cards from this deck 🙂

4) Anna K Tarot

Anna K Tarot

I really like this deck. I can’t put my finger on what it is exactly that I like so much, but these cards just have a nice feel to them – a good energy. Plus, the cards themselves are slightly shorter than most of my decks, which makes shuffling really easy. Bonus!

This deck does something odd – it seems to personally attune to each person I am reading for and when I read for myself it has been spookily accurate! I am still getting to know this deck, but I can easily say that it one of my faves.

You can see all the readings I have done with this deck right here.

5) Morgan-Greer Tarot

Morgan-Greer Tarot by Bill Greer

This deck is a total classic and a must-have for any serious Tarot deck hoarder! Despite the fact that this is a more recent addition to my collection, it feels like I have been reading with these cards for decades.

The Morgan-Greer Tarot is a product of the 70’s (first published in 1979) which is apparent in the appearance of the “pornstache” on many of the men. Fun stuff!

The best thing about this Tarot deck is that THERE ARE NO BORDERS on the cards! I can’t stand annoying borders – I love it when the image comes right to the edge of the card.

*So now I want to know….what are YOUR favorite Tarot decks? What is your go-to deck that never fails you? Tell me in the comment section below!

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Dealing with Downers ~ Nix the Whiners in Your Life!

fridays with veronica

Veronica Noir is a Tarot reader, dominatrix, exhibitionist and the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin. She has an unhealthy addiction to online shopping, watching kitten videos on YouTube and of course, trolling for younger men and lying about her age! Here are her words of wisdom…

six of pentacles
New Palladini Tarot

Today is all about giving and receiving….advice (and other things). You need to balance out the scales today and don’t be nice about it.

Take a long, hard look at your friendships. There is one friend in particular who is a total drain. This person takes, asks, demands and gives nothing back. She’s like Debbie Downer x 1000.

You’ve been nice, supportive and kind far too long. And it’s not helping. You need to dish up the tough-love, Veronica Noir style.

The best way to deal with this kind of person is to respond to their complaints and desperate pleas for sympathy by droning on and on about how fabulous your life is.

Next time she whines about her arthritis or back problems, tell her about the amazing orgy you had last night (even if you didn’t – its okay to embellish).

If she turns down your offer of cookies and tea by saying something bitchy like “I’m going gluten, sugar and caffeine free,” tell her all about the decadent chocolate cake you had for breakfast. Have fun with it!

If she asks you to get up at 6 am on a Saturday to help her with fundraising for some bullshit charity, tell her you can’t because you are busy…sleeping.

These whiny, miserable types need to be put in their place. She will either be inspired by your capacity for hedonistic enjoyment of life or she will be repulsed. Either way you won’t have to listen to her moaning and groaning much longer!


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Let Yourself Go! ~ King of Cups (Thursday)

king of cups
Rider Waite Tarot

The King of Cups! He is such a funny little dude, looking all uptight and secretive. This King holds secrets, that’s for sure! Emotional secrets.

What feelings are you hiding from others (and maybe even yourself?) What area of your life do you not allow feeling to flow through?

Today will be an interesting day – you will have the choice to either ignore a feeling or engage with it.

Yes, you may seem unstable to those who are so used to you being the “rock” who keeps it together. But so what? Keeping your emotions all bottled up inside is no picnic either. Let it flow!

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You are Safe ~ Nine of Wands (Wednesday)

9 of wands enchantress
Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

Today’s Tarot card, Nine of Wands, is all about confronting your fears head on.

You may be feeling a little world weary and perhaps you have lowered your expectations lately. But the Nine of Wands is here to remind you need not expect the worst – everything will be fine.

But don’t ignore that niggling feeling that something is “off” – explore it and see where it takes you. Your intuition is trying to tell you something and sometimes you mistake this for danger, but it’s not.

Know that you are safe now and any “danger” you perceive may be a result of things not working out well in the past. As you let go of these negative expectations, your energy levels will soar and you will be truly free!

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