The Hermit ~ Be a Trailblazer (Wednesday)

hermit tarot card
The Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

The Hermit has appeared today because you feel a certain sense of aloneness in your life. Not necessarily lonely – but this feeling that you are having to walk this path alone and figure things out by yourself.

At times this exhilarates you and other times it saddens and frustrates you. But know that others have also walked this path before you (note the odd stone faces in the ground!) and while you cannot see them, their spirit is with you.

And know that others will walk your path after you and in this sense you are a trailblazer and a wayshower for the future. Which is really exciting!

But the main message is that any sense of loneliness is an illusion – so don’t let it hold you back. Instead, keep moving forward even if you aren’t really sure where you are going. You only need to know the next two steps – not the next 2,000.

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Four of Cups ~ Adventures Await! (Tuesday)

four of cups
Cosmic Tarot

Sometimes luxury and comfort creates boredom. The dude in this card seems to have it all – a flask of wine, fresh fruit, leisure time and a low body fat percentage – and yet he is still unsatisfied!

Are you too comfortable with your life? Do things feel a bit too easy and predictable? Do you crave risk, excitement and the chance to break out of your comfort zone?

What you may not realize is that opportunity surrounds you. The blue guy moping on the river’s edge could jump on that horse and explore the mountains in the distance, yet he sits there lamenting like a bored teenager on Summer break.

What amazing adventures are you closing your eyes to? Today, look closely at your life and ask how you could make it more interesting? (Unless of course, its already too interesting for you to handle!)

In the comments below, tell me what adventures you secretly want to go on, or one thing you can do today to make your life more “jazzed up”?

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Two of Swords ~ The Light at the End of the Tunnel! (Monday)

2 of swords
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

Today you are finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. If you have been feeling confused, blah or conflicted about something, the end is in sight.

The Two of Swords is all about gathering your strengths and skills and moving forward in the direction that calls out to you. You may hesitate or doubt yourself, but ultimately you must go forward eventually!

Once you have made your decision you might ask yourself “can I really do this?” and you will never know until you try. But while this figure is holding two swords, he still manages to face the sun with open arms – so be willing to embrace what lies before you 🙂

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How to Read Tarot Cards Reversed (in a way that really rocks your readings!)

I confess – I don’t usually read Tarot cards reversed. I always shuffle my deck so that all cards remain upright and if by chance a card happens to be reversed, I turn it right side up.

Why? Because I feel that incorporating reversals often adds unnecessary messiness and confusion. It’s like watching a foreign movie that’s dubbed and then trying to read lips and translate the other language and compare it with the language you heard to see how it matches up. Arrrgghhh!

ace of cups reversed
Hanson-Roberts Tarot

Maybe that’s a bad analogy…but you get my drift! You don’t want to make extra work for yourself if you don’t have to. But having said that….

A few Tarot pros – namely Mary K. Greer and Radleigh Valentine – have inspired me to try reading with reversals. And you know what? It’s FUN!!!

So why read Tarot cards reversed? For starters, it adds a new dimension to your readings and it spices things up. It’s like adding a pinch of cayenne to your reading (or a red lacy thong).

When should you read with reversals?  Only when you are totally bored of reading your Tarot cards upright. When that no longer feels challenging for you, its time to consider incorporating reversals. However, if you are just learning Tarot or still find it challenging enough, don’t bother with reversals, it will just make your head hurt!

Okay, so here’s the BIG question: How do I read a reversed Tarot card?

In 21 Ways to Read a Tarot Card, Mary K. Greer describes 13 different ways to read Tarot reversals. Such as seeing a reversed tarot card as blocked, unavailable, unconscious, overturned or changing direction (to name a few).

So there isn’t just ONE way to read a reversal. You can experiment and see what fits best (and I will be writing more about this in future blog posts).

But if you are brand-new to reading Tarot reversals, its best to start with a simple approach so you don’t drive yourself bat-shit crazy.

When I was at Doreen Virtue’s Certified Angel Card Reader workshop in April, co-teacher Radleigh Valentine explained reversals this way:

When a Tarot card is reversed, it simply means that you need to pay extra attention to that card. The card’s message is just that much stronger. So if you do a reading and one or two cards are reversed, you would give special emphasis to those reversed Tarot cards.

For example, lets say you get The Empress upright in your reading. The message may be that your sense of creativity and abundance is at an all time high. Yay! But if you get The Empress reversed it means holy shit! You need to pay attention to your creative yearnings because this is IMPORTANT!!!!

So by now you might be thinking well which is it? Do I read reversals as “blocks” or do I read them with “emphasis”?! Give me something solid I can go on here.

Here’s a super-juicy secret about reading Tarot cards:

You communicate to your deck how you will read with it, not the other way around.

try this


Next time you do a reading, shuffle the deck so that at least 1/4 of the cards are reversed. Hold your deck in your hands, close your eyes and mentally tell your deck that you intend to read the reversed Tarot cards in the same way you would if they were upright, only with a stronger emphasis.

Now your deck knows what language to use when communicating to you.

So you don’t need to worry that you are wrongly interpreting the reversed cards. If you intend to interpret them that way, you are doing it right. So don’t be thinking “but what if it is actually indicating a block?” It isn’t. Unless you intend that all reversed cards symbolize blocks.

So once you’ve got your reversed card (or cards) in front of you, try reading it upright first and then reversing it again. Notice how reversing it changes the vibe or meaning for you.

In the comments below, tell me what reversed Tarot cards you got when you tried this. How did it deepen the reading for you? Do you normally read reversed cards? If so, what is your method?

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The Hanged Man: Live in the Now, Silly! (Friday)

Guest Post by Veronica Noir…

hanged man
The Cosmic Tarot

The Hanged Man symbolizes the enlightenment that comes when you stop striving and trying so hard to get somewhere.

It also symbolizes the great ideas that come to you when you hang yourself upside down for an extended period of time. I haven’t tried this myself, but apparently it increases blood flow to the brain and makes you more intelligent. Who knew?

Have you been feeling bored or restless with your life lately? I sure have. And I noticed that when I put my full attention on what I was doing (for example, eating or an afternoon shag), a mundane event became a riveting feast for the senses! No joke!

So today, instead of trying to make something of yourself and move forward in life, let yourself be perfectly still. Enter the NOW! Allow the present moment to exist without condemning it as “boring” and not worthy of your full attention. Oh, and you may have to take a hammer to that shitty iphone to do this properly….just a suggestion 😉

Today’s Tarot reading was a guest post by The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin, Veronica Noir – lover of Tarot, cats and men in their early 20’s. Veronica spends her days eating coffee cheesecake, spying on neighbors and just being her fabulous self!

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Four of Pentacles – Stop Keeping Your Greatness to Yourself! (Thursday)

The following reading is by Veronica Noir…

4 pentacles
Intuitive Tarot by Cilla Conway

What are you holding onto so tightly? The Four of Pentacles is here to say loosen your grip already and don’t be so stingy, you cheapskate!

This isn’t so much about money as it is about talent and unique gifts. If you hoard your skills and amazing-ness and don’t share it with the world out of fear, then what the f*ck are you here for?

You are not here to follow orders or do what everyone else is doing, so do some deep diving and figure out what it is you are afraid of exactly?

When you think about speaking your truth, doing what you want and expressing your talents, what fears pop up for you? Write them down and ponder the shit out of them! They are what stand between you and a life of passion and fireworks.

Today’s reading is a guest post by the Daily Tarot Girl’s evil twin Veronica Noir – lover of Tarot, cats and men in their early 20’s. Veronica spends her days sipping Vanilla-Raspberry Rooibos tea, writing erotic fiction and creating subversive artwork.

Four of Pentacles – Stop Keeping Your Greatness to Yourself! (Thursday) Read More »

Queen of Wands = One Badass Bitch! (Wednesday)

Author’s note: I am turning my daily readings over to my evil twin Veronica for the remainder of this week as I put the finishing touches on my new e-course (The Art of Reading a Negative Card in a Positive Light). I will return next week 🙂

queen of wands
Paulina Tarot by Paulina Cassidy

The Queen of Wands! Such a badass bitch! This Queen is my favorite of all, as she has the perfect combo of male and female energies – not like a hermaphrodite, but more like a phallus-wielding dominatrix.

This lady isn’t afraid to make shit happen and she has a ball the entire time. Think of a workaholic, but minus all the crappy, unlikeable personality traits. That’s the Queen of Wands for you!

Is that a whip she’s holding, or a wand with flowers on it? I hope its a whip. Anyhow, she’s leaning against a very huge, very nonchalant cat, which pretty much sums it all up – this Queen is beyond awesome.

But what does it all mean for you?

Well, it means that it’s high time you started acting like this goddess and channeling your inner Queen of Wands! Don’t stand for any whining from others today, it will only slow you down. Also, remember that success, productivity and achievement can be delicious, sexy and fun 🙂

Queen of Wands = One Badass Bitch! (Wednesday) Read More »

Ten of Pentacles: Smart Business Advice (Tuesday)

10 of pentacles
Fenestra Tarot

The Ten of Pentacles is here to remind you to be smart in your dealings with others.

You may want to be 100% open and honest, but know that there is a way to be “transparent” without revealing everything. Its okay to keep your cards close to your chest today.

If someone wants to do a business/services trade with you, only do so if you actually think you will benefit from it. Don’t just agree to a crappy deal because you want to seem nice.

This card often represents the realm of business and the “marketplace” – so if you have your own business and want to share it with my audience, you may do so right here.

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Bust a Move! 8 of Wands Gives you the Green Light (Monday)

8 of wands
Tarot of the Dream Enchantress

Today it’s time to bust a move out of that snail shell you’ve been hiding in and pick up the pace!

The Eight of Wands is all about things happening quickly and events unfolding at record speed. Today is not the time to go within and slow down – instead, burst forth and rocket forward!

If you have a to-do list a mile long that you’ve been neglecting, choose the things on there that scare you the most (or that make you feel uncomfortable) and do those first.

Don’t wait for things to speed up, take charge of the situation and move yourself forward – doing anything else will leave you feeling antsy and restless.

In the comments below, tell me one thing you are going to do today to move yourself closer to a big goal you have…

Bust a Move! 8 of Wands Gives you the Green Light (Monday) Read More »

Do It Your Way ~ Message from Saint Germain Oracle Card

ascended master card
Ascended Masters Oracle Cards by Doreen Virtue

Today’s oracle card message is Work Your Magic! and it comes from Saint-Germain. Focused intentions, a clear mind and connecting your heart with everything you do will serve you well today (and any day for that matter).

But I always snicker a bit when I pull this card. This rendition of Saint Germain reminds me of this guy I used to go to college with who would always pride himself on passing all his classes by putting in the least amount of effort possible. And he got high a lot.

I used to regard him disdainfully, but now I see that he was actually achieving all his goals – better yet, he was doing it his way. So I feel this card is telling us that having goals and a vision is great, but when you set out to achieve things in your own unique way, that is when the magic happens!

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