Tarot spreads

Try My Christmas Tarot Spread!

Full disclosure: this is the same Christmas Tarot spread I created last year. I know, I know! But I’ve got a major case of the lazies right now.

Lately all I’ve wanted to do is lie around and read and meditate and have hot baths. I like to think of it as the lead up to a phase of unparalleled creativity and productive focus, but we’ll see 😉

So my intention was to create a new Christmas Tarot spread this year, in the shape of a wreath. But I actually really like the one I did last year and so I’m sticking with that!

So I invite you to light some candles, take a few deep breaths, shuffle your cards and try my old Christmasy Tarot Spread!

If you’d like to download and print this spread, here’s the PDF version!

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How to Give a Tarot Reading in 10 Minutes

One of the most challenging aspects of giving a Tarot reading to someone is doing it in a specific time frame – especially if that time frame is short, like ten minutes.

I was recently hired to read Tarot at a Halloween party, which is something I don’t do that often as most of my readings are done online. Since there were around 15 people wanting readings, I had to make these readings short and sweet and keep to my ten minute time limit.

If you’re interested in becoming a professional Tarot reader, being able to do “quickie readings” is a required skill, but it’s also something that many readers (including myself) struggle with.

So I’m here to break it down for you! I’m going to tell you:

  • My ONE favorite tip for keeping readings short and sweet
  • THREE things that can derail a “quickie” reading and turn it into a long one (and what to do about it)

My #1 Tip for keeping Tarot readings short & sweet

Have a general 3 card Tarot spread that you use with everyone. If you’re doing a Tarot party, using the same spread over and over again will help you get into a groove and you won’t waste any time trying to choose the right spread.

Here’s the one I use…

The let go card represents what might be standing in your client’s way, what’s blocking her or what she needs to release.

What you need to know is simply what your client needs to focus on right now – sometimes this card indicates a mindset or way of operating in the world that will be helpful for that person. For example, The Empress could be saying “take a relaxed, laid back approach to life right now and focus on nurturing yourself and your dreams.”

The upcoming opportunity card can represent an action your client needs to take or what will help her most right now.

You can be flexible and slightly alter the positions to suit whoever you’re reading for. I find that most people getting a quickie Tarot reading just want a general reading or they want a general reading about a specific topic (love life, career, health, money, etc).

If their questions are more specific, you can adjust the spread as needed, but I find this spread works wonderfully for all sorts of questions.

Tip: Practice using this spread beforehand and keeping it to just ten minutes! Just do some pretend readings for imaginary clients – it will boost your confidence and help you flex your Tarot reading muscles.


3 Things that can derail a “quickie” Tarot reading:

Whenever you’re trying to keep a reading short and sweet, it’s inevitable that you’ll encounter obstacles at every turn – little things that will threaten to turn your quick reading into a long, drawn out affair. In order to avoid them, you need to be prepared!

1. The chitty-chatty client

Every now and then you’ll get a client who’ll want to unload their life story prior to the reading or ask a million questions, or both! As the Tarot reader, it’s your job to act as a referee in these situations and not let this person run roughshod over your time and energy.

I once had a client who, after asking her “is there anything you’d like me to focus on during your reading?” took a deep breath and then launched into a convoluted story about her ex, kids and money woes which revealed very little except that she was overwhelmed, stressed out and confused.

In this situation, I had 3 choices:

Option A) I could have let her ramble indefinitely, wasting tons of time (not a good option!)

Option B) I could interrupt her and say “it sounds like you’re going through a difficult and confusing time and would like some clarity and guidance,” and then focus the reading on the question “what does she need to focus on right now to bring peace and clarity?”

This is what I call a compassionate response – it takes the client’s feelings into account and let’s her avoid doing the heavy lifting of coming up with her own question for the cards.

The compassionate response takes a bit of skill on the readers part because you have to quickly assess how that client is feeling and form a question around that.

This way of dealing with an overly chatty client is kind of like saying “okay, I get the picture, now leave the rest to me.”

Option C) I could interrupt her and say “what is ONE question you have for the cards today?”

This is what I call a clarity question – it forces the client to quiet her mental chatter and drill down on what is truly important to her right now.

*Tip: if you’re short on time, this is actually a great question to open the reading with.

Either response B or C would be helpful here, depending on the client. Some clients might just use the clarity question to keep chatting, in which case you can move into compassionate response mode.

So I guess what I’m really saying here is don’t let your client ramble on and on before a ten minute Tarot reading. I usually allow ONE MINUTE MAX for preamble chit chat before I draw the cards.


2. BIG questions that can't be addressed in 10 min

I find that most questions or issues can at least be explored in a ten minute Tarot reading, even if you don't get super in-depth or come up with a solution/answer.

However, there are some questions that demand a longer period of time and there's just no way you'll be able to satisfy your client with a quick ten minute reading.

These include questions that are actually multiple questions in disguise or what I call questions within questions.

Here's an example: "should I accept the new job offer or stay in my current job? And if I should stay in my old job, should I ask for a raise or do anything else differently?"

For a complex, multi-layered question, you can simply take ONE aspect of their question and focus on that. In the above example, I would take the first part of the question "should I accept the new job offer or stay in my current job?" and just focus on that and let my client know we don't have time to cover all her questions.

Questions that carry a big emotional weight to them are also good to avoid when you're giving a ten minute Tarot reading.

For example, questions like "why did my marriage fall apart?", "will my aunt beat cancer?" or "should I cut my sister out of my life?" aren't the kinds of topics you want to be diving into in a mini reading.

If your client asks an emotionally heavy question, you can sometimes transform it into a "light" question. For example, why did my marriage fall apart? can be turned into what was I meant to learn from my last relationship? Or even what can I do to move forward successfully?


3. Your own tendency to ramble on and on...

This is the one I struggle with the most! Sometimes when I'm reading Tarot there's a part of me that's watching myself (like in an out of body experience kind of way) and thinking oh for fucks sake Kate, get to the point! because it's hard for me to say something just once - I like to repeat myself and say the same thing but a bit differently.

Less is more. Be concise. This is especially important if you've only got 10 min to give a reading.

Another thing that's sometimes tricky is wrapping up the reading. It's especially difficult if you feel like there's still more you want to say or if you sense your client feels unsatisfied. But wrap up you must!

There's a couple good ways to wrap up a reading. I always like to quickly recap the key points of the reading, then I say "thank you for having me read your cards for you" as I gather up the cards and re-shuffle. If there's extra time (which there usually isn't in a 10 min reading) I might ask if they have any questions about their cards.

Get comfy wrapping things up. Practice doing pretend readings on imaginary clients and run through your wrap up procedure until it feels like second nature.


Make these 10 minutes really count!

Having only ten minutes to read someone's cards really forces you to focus on what's really important. When you're giving a "quickie" Tarot reading, ask yourself how can I make the most out of these ten minutes?

Don't waste time rambling about the past or blabbering endlessly about the future - save that crap for the 20 min readings! I find that focusing on the NOW and what your client can DO to make life more magical is what makes for a good ten minute reading.

A Recommendation...

If you're interested in doing Tarot reading at parties and events, a must-read book is Have Tarot Will Party by Jenna Matlin (this is my affiliate link). She explains everything you need to know about party readings and really lays it out in a practical way.

Even though I've done party readings before, I never felt 100% at ease doing them. In fact, I've always felt a vague sense of terror while reading in a party atmosphere. But after reading Jenna's book I felt confident and excited about doing party readings. Shortly after reading her book I got hired to read at a party and for the first time I actually felt calm, relaxed and organized while doing readings. Yay!


I want to know...

What are the things that YOU struggle with when giving quick, 10-min Tarot readings? Let me know in the comments...


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I Got Ghosted! So I Made This Tarot Spread…

I recently had the bizarre experience of getting completely ghosted by a friend. One minute we were great buds and the next minute she was giving me the cold shoulder.

I have no idea why.

My first thought was what did I do wrong? Was it something I said? And then I backtracked and replayed our last interactions in my mind, looking for the pivotal moment when she must have thought yuck, I want nothing to do with Kate anymore!

At this point I realized I could drive myself crazy by guessing and speculating, so I decided to take a deep breath and create a new Tarot spread….because I know there are others out there like me who have been ghosted and thought WTF?

After trying out this spread, I felt calm, peaceful and ready to let this friendship go. It can be hard when someone disappears from your life and you don’t know why, so hopefully this spread will help you put it all in perspective and get clear on how you can feel better about this whole shit charade!

Download PDF version



I Got Ghosted! So I Made This Tarot Spread… Read More »

The most unethical Tarot spread ever….for Valentine’s Day!

We all know it’s wrong to use Tarot to pry into other’s private thoughts and feelings. But it’s Valentines! So here’s a deliciously unethical spread that breaks all the rules.

Whose your crush? Do you want to plumb the depths of their psyche to discover their kinky secrets? I bet you do! Want to find out the best way to  become irresistible to them? Read on…

It’s my personal belief that we can’t really find out what someone else is thinking via Tarot cards. I just don’t buy it. It’s the main reason I refuse to read about people other than my client when I’m giving readings (I say it’s because of my ethics, but really it’s because I can’t). I just can’t. I’d be making shit up!

So the spread below was created within the spirit of giggly fun and silliness. And maybe also perversion…

Print this! (PDF version)

The most unethical Tarot spread ever….for Valentine’s Day! Read More »

Valentine’s Day Tarot Spread: Ignite Your Love Life!

I know it’s trendy to be all emo say “I hate Valentine’s Day!” but you know what? I fucking love it. I love heart shaped chocolates and the heart shaped boxes they come in. I love flowers, stupid frilly lingerie and the color pink.

What I don’t love is bouquets of red roses. I once dated guy who loved to buy me bouquets of red roses like it was this big deal and he was so amazing for doing it but then he’d go and act all paranoid and controlling, like an insecure jerk. So in my books a dozen red roses = asshole.

I decided I wanted to create a new Valentines Day Tarot spread this year – it’s pink, it’s loaded with hearts and it’s for EVERYONE – regardless of whether you’re in a relationship or not. And if you have absolutely no interest whatsoever in attracting a partner, just substitute erotic life for love life, because we can all have an erotic life, right? I hope so!

Print this! (PDF version)

Have a fabulous Valentine’s Day and don’t eat too many heart shaped chocolates!

Valentine’s Day Tarot Spread: Ignite Your Love Life! Read More »

New Years Tarot Spread

There are three times in the year that I LOVE doing readings for myself – Halloween, my birthday and New Years.

As we enter 2019, it’s the perfect time to check in with yourself: What direction do you want to take this year? What new habits do you want to adopt? What crap do you want to leave behind? You know, all that good stuff!

The spread below is the New Years spread I’ve been using for the past several years. It’s also the spread I’ll be using for my 2019 Private New Years readings.

So pour yourself a glass of bubbly, shuffle those cards and have fun with this!!!

Print this!

Wishing you a wonderful New Year and a fabulous 2019 🙂

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New Christmasy Tarot Spread just for you!

The holiday season is upon us and what better way to celebrate than doing a Christmasy themed Tarot reading! You’ll find the printable version of this spread below, as well as a detailed breakdown of each card position.

Have fun and Merry Christmas!!!!

Print this spread!


1. How can you be of service to others?

If you don’t think of yourself as the Mother Theresa type, think how can I best share my gifts/skills/talents with the world?

2. What gift will you give yourself?

Sometimes the best part of Christmas is buying presents for yourself. Yeah, that’s right! But it doesn’t have to be a consumer driven spend fest – you could give yourself the gift of solitude or the gift of smokin’ a blunt in the bath, while you blast something deliciously terrible like this Micheal Bolton song, featuring Kenny G….is it weird that this son reminds me of the dentist, the grocery store and a deserted shopping mall all at once?

3. How can you make time with family most enjoyable?

Sometimes spending time with the fam really sucks the big one. But it doesn’t have to! Whatever card you get here will reveal the secret to actually enjoying your relatives this holiday season. Crappy cards in this position, like five of cups or three of swords, represent possible blocks that you need to be aware of.

4. How to reduce stress

We all know this can be a stress inducing time of year – creepy office parties, family, depressing shopping malls, spiraling guilt and financial ruin.  It’s enough to make you want to stress eat an entire cheese ball! But fear not, because whatever card shows up in this spot will tell you how to mitigate those stressy situations.

5. Message from your Higher Self

This card gives your Higher Self (the eternal, wise and impressive version of yourself) a chance to throw its two cents in. Whatever wisdom your Higher Self imparts via this card, it’s sure to help you make the most out of the holidays 🙂

Reminder: Miserable looking cards usually represent blocks and things you need to overcome, transform or be aware of!

Hope you had fun with this Tarot spread and hope you enjoy the holidays! You can find more Tarot spreads right here.

Daily Tarot Girl

New Christmasy Tarot Spread just for you! Read More »

3 Kooky Fun Tarot Spreads

Do you crave excitement and novelty? But not the jumping out of airplanes kind of excitement – more like the ooh a new Tarot spread to try! kind of excitement?

Well you’re in luck!

While I love the classic Tarot spreads like the Celtic Cross, sometimes you just need to shake it up a bit and try something new.

Here are 3 “kooky” Tarot spreads for you to try tonight…


Cat Lover’s Tarot Spread

I’ve noticed a big overlap between cat lovers and Tarot lovers. I guess cats and Tarot just seem to go together like wine and cheese. Or wine and bubble baths. Or wine and gossip. You get the idea!

Print this spread!


Meet Your Alter Ego Tarot Spread

Your alter ego is basically a combo of your shadow self and your fantasy self. Getting in touch with it can work wonders in your life! For more details on how to use this spread (including a video), go right here.

Print this spread!


Self Love Tarot Spread

I created this spread years ago on Valentine’s Day as an alternative to all those relationship and love spreads. I hope you enjoy!

Go here for more details about this spread.

I hope you have fun with these unique spreads! And guess what? I’m looking for new ideas for Tarot spreads. Is there a particular theme or issue you’d like me to create a spread for? Let me know in the comments below!

Happy Tarot Reading,

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Halloween Tarot Spread

Halloween is my FAVORITE time to do a Tarot reading for myself (New Years and my birthday are close seconds). They say the veil between this shitty, mundane world and the magical world of spirit is thinnest at this time. I don’t know for sure if that’s true but I like the idea!

So I really wanted to create a new, shiny Halloween Tarot spread for you to try out but every time I tried to create one I ended up with a slightly crappier version of the Halloween spread I made way back in 2014. So I thought you know what? If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!

So I present to you my Halloween Tarot spread….yes, it’s the same Tarot spread I gave you four years ago (but I’m hoping you won’t really remember)…

Print this spread right here!

Have a happy Halloween and as always, happy Tarot reading!!!

PS – I had the pleasure of being interviewed by the lovely and talented Ethony Dawn for her new Tarot Readers Academy TV show/podcast! Join us as we chat about intuitive Tarot reading (and smutty paranormal romance novels!). Bonus: this interview includes a link to a free e-course with me 🙂

Halloween Tarot Spread Read More »

Summer Check-In Tarot Spread

Summer is a great time to do a mid-year check in! Where are you at? Where are you going? What do you need to focus on right now?

If you’re like me you were so busy being sick over New Years that you forgot to have any resolutions. Then maybe you set a couple of goals in February but can’t for the life of you remember what they were. It’s okay. This spread will fix everything 🙂

Print this!

 1. Card to Represent YOU - This card should be randomly chosen (as opposed to consciously choosing a card) and it represents where you're at right now.

2. Let go of... - This is what you need to release and let go of.

3. Replace it with... - This card tells you how you can let go and what you need to bring into your life.

4. Strongest Influence - What is having the strongest effect on you right now. It might be a person, belief, energy, etc. This can also represent energies and opportunities for you to tap into.

5. Message from Spirit Guides - What your Higher Self and Spirit Guides want you to know and understand.

6. Where to Direct Your Energy - What to focus on, where to put your attention and/or the area of your life that needs the most attention right now.

7. Aspect of Self to Heal & Grow - This is kind of similar to card #6. It shows you what parts of yourself you need to be tapping into and working with.


I want to know!

I'm super nosy and I want to know what card you got in position #6 - where will you be putting your energy from now on? Feel free to share in the comments below 🙂

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