My New Deck Ritual

Is there anything more fun and exciting than getting a new Tarot deck?

Well, okay, I can think of a few things, but exploring a new deck is one of my favorite things to do! And I thought I’d share my process of breaking in a new Tarot or oracle card deck with you.

#1 Make a date with your new deck

I like to set aside an hour or so in the evening or on a lazy Sunday to just go through the deck and look at all the cards. I make it a bit of a ritual by pouring myself a cup of tea or hot cocoa and nesting up in a comfy spot where I won’t be disturbed.

This is my comfy Tarot study chair

This is usually always my first introduction to a new deck.

I rarely just jump into doing readings right away. Why? Because to me it feels too much like hopping into bed with someone you’ve just met – totally great for some but I need time to warm up.

#2 Cleanse your Tarot cards

Honestly, I’m pretty lax about energetically cleansing my cards. If it’s a brand new deck I often forget, but if it’s a used deck, I always remember. Cleansing your cards can be a nice ritual that helps you bond with your deck and make it yours.

Here are some different ways you can cleanse your cards:

  • Light up a big bundle of sage and waft the smoke all over the cards (my favorite!)
  • Put your deck in a bag of quartz crystals or simply sit a crystal on top of your deck when you aren’t using it. Those who work with crystals can “program” their crystal to clear the decks energy.
  • Spread your cards on a windowsill or table where the moonlight will shine on them and leave them there overnight. Bonus if it’s a full moon!
  • Hold the deck in your hands and close your eyes and feel your energy radiating out through your palms and into the cards, cleansing them of any unwanted energies and infusing them with your essence.

#3 Interview your new deck

Instead of asking your deck questions about your life, ask it questions about itself like…

  • What kind of a Tarot deck are you? What card sums up your personality?
  • What issues/areas of life do you specialize in?
  • How can you best help me?
  • What quality is most important in a Tarot reader?
  • How do you see our relationship?
Dame Darcy Tarot

The cards that come up in response to these questions will give you a nice idea of your decks personality and attitude. This one of my absolute favorite things to do with a new deck!!!

For even more questions, check out this post…

How to Connect with Your Tarot Deck….Part 2

#4 Try some simple one-card readings

Before I get serious and dive into doing full spreads, I like to play around with trying some fun, basic one card Tarot readings.

Here are some ideas to get you started…

20 Questions to Ask Your Tarot Cards Tonight

How long does it take to “get to know” a Tarot deck”?

I’ve noticed that I take to some decks right away and others take a bit of time to bond with. I recently got the Everyday Witch Tarot and I instantly clicked with it and was able to start doing readings with it right out of the box.

However, most decks take some warming up.

I got the Prisma Visions Tarot as a gift and that deck is deep! It’s not a slam-bam-thank-you-maam deck like the Everyday Witch, that’s for sure. It refuses to just give up the goods at first glance. I’ve been taking my time to slowly get to know this deck for the past few months, as it demands to be read in a slow, thoughtful, soul-excavating manner.

So how long it takes you to “break in” a Tarot or oracle deck will depend on the deck and of course your level of reading experience. When I was new to card reading, it took me much longer to bond with my decks and start doing readings with them. So if you’re a beginner, be patient!

What are YOUR new deck rituals?

What kinds of things do you love to do when you first get a new deck? Please share them in the comments below ๐Ÿ™‚ I’d love to hear it!

My New Deck Ritual

Tarot Exercise: Sister Cards

A Tarot deck has 78 cards and each card depicts something different and has a different meaning.


Some cards are very, very similar and I think of these cards as “sister cards”. Let me give you a few examples.

The Sun is a very happy card that’s just oozing positivity. Also oozing happy, good vibes? The Ten of Cups

Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

Of course, these cards mean slightly different things, but they both have a similar message.

The Hermit is all about alone time and going within, similar to the Four of Swords.

Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

These two don’t have the exact same meaning, but there are some striking similarities.

Now let’s take a look at an unlikely pair of sisters: The Fool and Death

Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

While these two may seem to be totally different, their core message is one of renewal, fresh beginnings and starting over.

When sister cards appear in a reading

When two similar cards with a similar message appear in your reading, it’s like your cards have gone from murmuring calmly to shouting maniacally at you!

It’s like your cards are underscoring their message to you and saying “hey, pay attention! I want you to really get this!”

Can you spot the sister cards in the reading below?

Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

The Six of Swords, The Chariot and the Eight of Cups are all sister cards in that they all bear the message of “moving on”. The Tower and the Eight of Cups are also sister cards – they are both about losing or walking away from what you’ve worked hard to build up. In fact all four of these cards have the theme of “out with the old, in with the new”.

In other words, the appearance of a sister card strengthens the message and shows you what you need to focus on.

Studying the sister cards gives you a better understanding of Tarot

When you compare and contrast sister cards, you get a new perspective and deeper understanding of the Tarot card meanings.

Let’s take a peek at The Hermit and Four of Swords and I’ll show you what I mean…

Dame Darcy Mermaid Tarot

The Hermit is about sequestering yourself to avoid distractions so that greater self knowledge and peace can be attained – like going to a silent meditation retreat, taking a long walk by yourself or becoming a nun.

The Four of Swords is kind of similar, but less intense. It’s more like calling in sick to work so you can spend the day reading, watching movies and taking naps because you just need a break from the everyday shitshow of life.

Both are peaceful cards, but the Four of Swords is more about rest and recharging your batteries, while The Hermit is more about going deeper into the self.

How many “sisters” can you spot?

There are countless sister card pairings throughout the Tarot. One card can have many sisters. I think Death is a sister to The Fool, The Tower, Ten of Swords and more.

Take a quick gander through your Tarot deck: how many sister cards can you spot? Which pairings really jump out at you?

Share your findings in the comments below ๐Ÿ™‚

Tarot Exercise: Sister Cards