Tarot Challenge: How would YOU interpret this reading?
This is a true story, although names and details have been altered slightly for the sake of confidentiality…
A friend of a friend – let’s call her Sarah – came to me all in a flap! She was so excited because she’d just met someone who seemed like the perfect guy – handsome, sweet, witty, rich and worldly. They had an instant connection and she agreed to a date with him on Saturday, just three days away.
She was pretty certain they would end up marrying and having babies, but she wanted to see what the Tarot cards had to say about it.
Her question was what is the long term potential of this relationship?
I shuffled and drew three cards: The Tower, Five of Cups and Ten of Swords.

I gave her my take on these cards and she was NOT happy. She was very disappointed in the reading and even though I tried my best to find a silver lining and steer things in a positive, empowering direction, it was nearly impossible!
I will share my experience of this reading in next weeks post which will be called My client hated her Tarot reading (and here’s how I dealt), but first I want to hear your take on these cards…
Your Turn!
How would you interpret this reading? What advice would you give to Sarah? Please post your answer in the comments below 🙂
I can’t wait to read your response!!!
Tarot Challenge: How would YOU interpret this reading? Read More »