I have two great loves in my life: cats and Tarot! And I know I’m not the only one….
I can’t help but notice how many other fellow cat/tarot lovers are out there, which makes perfect sense! Both cats and Tarot cards are mysterious, otherworldly and require patience and intuition to be understood.
The kind of person who is drawn to the mystery and challenge of Tarot is often also drawn to the Feline personality and so I felt it highly appropriate to design a cat themed Tarot spread. So stop what you’re doing and try this spread out….right meow! 😉
I recently “let go” of a friendship that had been slowly fizzling out and was inspired to create this Tarot spread. This spread can be used for any kind of relationship that you’re on the fence about – romantic, friendship or even work related.
*I haven’t numbered the cards because you can read them in any order you like
What Needs to Change? This card will give you ideas on what needs to change in order for you to be happy in this relationship.
(Example: The Hanged Man = I need to stop being so passive and accommodating)
How should you act (moving forward?) This cards gives you insight into what aspects of your personality you need to tap into while you navigate this relationship.
(Example: The Queen of Swords = be a bitch who speaks her mind!)
If you go...
What was the purpose or meaning of this relationship? If you want to fully release this relationship in healthy way, it can help to understand it's purpose in your life and what you learned, instead of writing it off as just another failure.
(Example: 7 of Pentacles = This relationship taught me patience.)
How do you let go?
This card can give you insights into how you can best release this relationship, get over it and move on.
(Example: 3 of Cups = celebrate the good friendships you have)
What action should you take?
This card will (hopefully) help you decide whether to end or continue this relationship.
When I did this spread I got the Princess of Wands from the Heart & Hands Tarot, so I asked what would she do in this situation? and after thinking about it for a bit I decided she would choose the path of least resistance - the one that gave her the most energy.
I hope you enjoy using this spread in all your relationship conundrums!
Most of us feel stressed, depressed, worried and sad from time to time….and judging from my social media feeds over the last two days, many people are feeling this way right now. So I thought I would create a simple, three card Tarot spread to help anyone who is feeling crappy.
Normally I say “don’t read Tarot for yourself when your upset”, but that’s usually when we most want to do a reading – when we’re feeling hopeless and powerless.
Sometimes it’s hard to keep an open mind and see solutions when in the grip of fear, depression or anxiety, so I’ve created a guided meditation to help you get into your “heart space” and calm your mind. Give it a listen before you do this spread if you feel like you need to.
The underlying issue that's causing you stress or sadness
The deeper issue that you need to address
What's really going on here
Your part in this
An unmet need (especially if you get a positive card)
Draw this card first to get some insight into the real issue behind your stress. This will often point to the deeper reason for your stress or sadness.
Often we think we're stressed about one thing, like a massive workload or the mother in law coming to visit, but really we feel stressed because fears of inadequacy are being triggered by the situation.
Left card: Let go of THIS to Feel Better
A belief or expectation you hold
A habit or behavior pattern
An attitude
What do you need to release in order to become peaceful again? What is holding you back from feeling better about this situation?
Right card: Action - Your Point of Power!
What you can DO to feel better
Action that needs to be taken
How you can take back your power
Often, strong negative emotions like sadness, fear, anxiety and anger are there to act as a catalyst for action - to get you moving and taking steps toward what is important to you. This card will show you how to make the most of your situation and how to take inspired action in your life.
Here is a demonstration of me using this spread to give a reading to a good friend....
I hope you have fun with this spread and that it's a valuable tool for you. Feel free to use oracle cards or angel cards, if that feels better for you 🙂
Just in time for Halloween, I’ve a got a spooky new Tarot card spread to help you get in touch with your dark side!
You may have come across my evil twin / alter ego Veronica on my Friday’s with Veronicablog posts and wondered how I ever came up with such a crazy character. So I decided to create a Tarot card spread to help you get in touch with YOUR evil twin / alter ego!
Your alter ego is basically a combination of your shadow self and your fantasy self.
Your shadow self is the parts of you that you keep hidden so people will be friends with you and you won’t go to prison. Your “fantasy self” is the person you wish you could be.
Repressing this part of yourself will lead to an uninspired drab life that is full of beige couches and eating Pringles out of boredom.
But integrating your evil alter ego into your day to day life will add spice and vibrancy – suddenly your life will be full of daring acts, scintillating coffee dates and hysterical laughter!
So here’s my Tarot card spread. My hope is that it helps you identify and get to know your alter ego a little better so that you can begin integrating this exciting part of yourself into your daily life…
Card #1 - How the repressed parts of yourself are effecting your life
When you repress something, it doesn't go away. It goes underground and forms a plan of attack on your clean, nice, orderly life!
If you get a really positive card here, like The Sun, keep it's positive and negative meanings in mind since repressing any part of yourself (good or bad) may have both negative and positive consequences.
Cards 2, 3 and 4 - Personality traits, dreams and issues that make up your alter ego
This is really the meat of the reading! You should get a nice sense of what your alter ego is like from these cards. These cards may represent negative traits that you are repressing, positive traits that you hide from others, wild dreams that you've dismissed as unrealistic or simply just issues that you don't want to face.
Card #5 - How you can integrate your alter ego into your daily life
There's a fun, safe way to integrate some of the spiciness and flare of your alter ego into your life and this card gives you some clues.
Again, if you get a card that confuses you, forget the book-meaning for a second and pay attention to the symbols and what's happening in the card. Here's an article that walks you through what to do when a card doesn't make sense.
Card #6 - How to embrace and work with your alter ego
This is kind of similar to position 5. If you still feel like you haven't really connected with your alter ego yet, this card can give you some ideas as to how you can.
When I first did this spread, I got The Lovers in this position. I read it to mean that I can work with my alter ego to attain a greater level of self acceptance and wholeness but also that I should go on "dates" with my alter ego - like hour long jounaling sessions in coffee shops.
Card #7 - Advice your alter ego has for you today!
This card represents what your alter ego wants you to do right now. How they think you should be living your life and where your priorities need to go. Of course, you may choose to ignore it - but it will be eye opening nonetheless!
Here is a video demonstration of this spread:
Tell me about YOUR Alter Ego!
I hope you have fun with this spread and don't forget to leave a comment below 🙂 I would love to hear all about your alter ego!!!!
This is actually a spread I use quite a bit. It’s my own version of the Celtic Cross Tarot card spread. I wasn’t in love with the original Celtic Cross spread, so I switched some things up. For me reading with this spread feels like putting on a pair of old jeans – comfy and classic.
While this is an important Tarot spread for everyone to do, I haven’t done it in ages! Probably why I hate myself 🙁 Just kidding. But really, I need to remember to do this one at least once a year.
Like the title suggests, this spread helps you connect to the more ethereal, divine side of your life. This spread is a really fun one and it’s fun to do this one when you’re trying to make a big decision or needing inspiration for a project or something…
Go here for the full description of this Tarot card spread.
I hope you have a ball trying out these spreads and come join me on June 16th for my webinar on the Celtic Cross Tarot Spread 🙂
This article has proven to be the most popular article on my site, consistently getting the most views and comments – so I thought I would expand on the topic for those of you who are ready to take things a step further!
My favorite thing to do when I get a new deck (or if I am just feeling disconnected from an old deck) is to interview it. This sounds a little kooky at first, I know, but hear me out…
I like to think of my Tarot deck as a close friend – one who knows all my secrets and who gives fantastic advice when I need it most.
Hezicos Tarot
And like a close friend, I would never just dump all my problems on her and then walk away without asking how she’s doing or what’s new in her life. So why would I treat my Tarot deck that way?
Truth of the matter is, sometimes I start thinking of my Tarot deck as just a stack of paper and I forget to treat it like a good friend – and that’s when my readings go to shit.
So take the time to get to know your Tarot deck. Ask it some deep questions.
What is your main mission or message in this world?
What is most important to you?
What do you want to share with me?
What would you like me to know about you?
Do you have a favorite card in this deck?
What is your biggest fear?
Which card sums up your personality?
What can I do for you that would ensure we have a good relationship?
When I asked my Crystal Visions Tarot deck “what is most important to you?” I got The Hermit, which I interpreted as meaning that meditation and deep contemplation were meaningful things for this deck.
When I asked the same deck “what can I do to ensure a good relationship?” I got the Six of Pentacles– a card about give and take and helping each other. I often see this card as being about being able to receive help from another, so this card could mean that gratiously receiving the help that this deck will give me is what will ensure a good relationship.
But what if you get a weird card?
For example, you ask “what is your main mission in this world?” and you get The Devil. Good god! What does it mean?
Crystal Visions Tarot
Look at your cards in the most positive light possible. The Devil is all about addictions and having the opportunity to bring awareness into the cycle of addiction so that you can rise above it. So this could mean that your deck’s mission is to help you break out of destructive cycles in your life.
Have fun with these questions and feel free to share your results in the comments below!
It’s full of costumes and candy and lacks the obligatory, tiresome vibe of Christmas and Valentine’s. What’s not to love?
Every Halloween night I bust out my incense and candles and do a special Tarot reading for myself where I reflect on the past few months and make plans for the coming months.
So I thought I would design a fun, campy, Halloween themed Tarot spread to help you do the same thing!
For a printer friendly version of this spread, click here.
If you would like to see this spread in action, using the Anna K Tarot, here is my demonstration video:
I would love to hear what you think! How was this spread for you? And what are your big plans and goals for the coming Winter?
1) You right now – This card represents what is going on for you right now. It indicates what you are thinking, feeling or doing.
2) Strongest influence – what is influencing you right now. This could be a particular energy, desire, person or event.
3) Hidden desires – Oh la la! This is what you really want. Social expectations be damned!
4) Snakeskin: what you’ve shed – what you’ve let go of, what is no longer a part of you or your life.
5) What you think you want – This may or may not be in alignment with #3 (what you really want), but this is a goal that you are actively pursuing.
6) Into the forest! What’s next? – As you go deeper into your life journey, what adventure will await you next?
7) Your relationship to your higher self – how connected or disconnected are you from the higher aspect of yourself?
8) Your role in your community – the role you often play at work, with friends and family and with the people you encounter in your day to day life.
9) The secret key to bliss! – what would make your life more blissful and fun.
10) Wonderful things that will happen – the good stuff that awaits you in the distant future.
What if you get a negative card in a "positive" position?
Negative cards represent blocks that, if dealt with and removed, will bring greater ease and joy into your life.
For example, if you get The Devil in the "key to bliss" position, it could indicate that dealing with your addictions will lead to a more blissful life.
Always keep the positive aspect of the negative cards in mind. If you get Three of Swords in the "role in my community" position, it could mean that you act as the shoulder to cry on when others are feeling down.
Watch this spread in action in my video below:
Please feel free to share your results with this spread in the comments below!
Do you ever wonder what your “higher self” is trying to tell you?
Well guess what? Messing around with your Tarot cards is one of the best ways to find out!
But before I get to the real juice, I just want to say this – I really, really despise the term“higher self”. It sounds so snooty!
Whenever I hear that term, I get this picture of a much snobbier version of myself, reclining on a cloud, turning my nose up.
So from here on out, I will instead refer to the“Inner Self”. I like that phrase better, as it doesn’t sound so hierarchical and holier than thou. Plus, it just sounds more intimate and mysterious – like a deeper, truer part of myself.
Okay, so back to Tarot!
Our Inner Self communicates to us through symbols. We encounter symbols all the time – in dreams, waking life and of course in Tarot cards.
If we actively engage with those symbols, we can discover some fascinating things about ourselves.
Now what if you were to think of your next Tarot reading as a letter from your Inner Self to you?
A letter that is direct, to the point and maybe even a little bitchy!
Here’s an example of what I mean…
Me:“Inner Self, what lovely message do you have for me today?”
Inner Self:“OMG! I’m so glad you asked! You need to ____________ and __________ and for God’s sakes, stop __________________!”
When I did this exercise last night, this is what I got:
I felt the message was pretty clear: “You need to make a decision and embrace being an outsider and for God’s sakes stop pretending to be helpless!”
I found this Tarot exercise worked best when I limited my interpretation to one statement/sentence per card. This forced me to really feel for the essenceof the card, rather than get all brainy and over-thinky about it.
Now, it’s your turn!
Shuffle your Tarot deck and as you lay out three cards, do so knowing that this is a letter from your Inner Self. As you turn your cards over, see if you can fill in the blanks:
“You need to _________ and _________ and for God’s sakes stop __________!”
Tip: Forget about the traditional card meanings and pay attention to the symbols that show up, the body language of the figures and of course, the overall feeling essence of the cards.
In the comments below, feel free to share your cards and your interpretation – I can’t wait to read it!!!