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Veronica’s financial advice (The Four of Pentacles)

fridays with veronicaVeronica Noir, The Daily Tarot Girl’s evil counterpart, is here to kick some sense into you with her uncompassionate style of Tarot reading. She usually writes these half-drunk, so take her advice with a grain of salt…or a tablespoon!

4 of coins
Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffi

Are you tired of spending your hard earned money on totally boring things like insurance, taxes, RRSPs and toothpaste?

The Four of Coins nymph is here to suggest that you start spending your cash on the things that matter – lavish dinners, theater tickets, Turkish towels and gigolos!

That is what money was made for! Not all this boring shit that seems to consume 100% of your income. Good God!

Some people think the Four of Coins (aka Four of Pentacles) is about being cheap or feeling the need to pinch pennies. But it’s not!

Its about feeling pissed off that you have to spend so much money on totally pointless stuff that brings you absolutely no pleasure whatsoever. Like spending tons of money on a modest, unsexy car….so you can drive to work everyday.

So this weekend, blow your dough on something totally delicious. Something totally extravagant. Something totally….hedonistic!

In the comments below, tell me what one awesome thing you are going to spend your money on this weekend….and please don’t say “penny slots” or Doritos. Fuck!

Veronica’s financial advice (The Four of Pentacles) Read More »

Episode 3 of the Menage A Tarot Podcast

In episode 3 “Ghost in the Machine” we talk all about Tarot & mediumship, ghosts, raising your vibration and a whole bunch of other awesome stuff!

To listen to this episode, just head on over to menageatarot.com

I would love to hear your feedback, ideas and suggestions on the podcast, so please feel free to let me know what you think in the comments below!

Episode 3 of the Menage A Tarot Podcast Read More »

Tarot Quiz! What Suit Are You?

Do you remember when you were 13 and you would spend hours doing those stupid quizzes in teen magazines?

I remember one lazy Summer day in particular when I laid up in my friends tree fort with a pile of Seventeen magazines and we quizzed each other on crucial topics like Does your crush like you?, Which hollywood hearthrob should I date? and What your shoes say about you…

I thought I would bring back some of that nostalgic Summer fun with a totally ridiculous Tarot personality quiz!

I bet you’re just dying to know which of the four Tarot suits – Wands, Pentacles, Cups and Swords – your personality falls into.

Well, wait no longer!

1. It’s a hot Summer day and you’re spending a day at the beach! You spend your time….

a. Thinking, thinking, thinking…..about all your problems and what you should about    this colossal problem that is your life.

b. Daydreaming about sexy mermen and all the wonderful possibilities life has to offer.

c. Swimming, running up and down the beach and chatting up the 21 year old lifeguard.

d. Napping in the sun, lazily collecting sea shells and chowing down on fried food at the concession stand while you read some grisly true crime book.

beach girl
photo courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net


2. Your dream career is…

a. Professor of something very intellectual where you get to wear smart looking glasses and read lots of books.

b. Painter and sculptor that lives on an island, by the beach. Instead of a coffee break, you take skinny dipping breaks.

c. Running your own business where you get to be creative, teach, travel and be fabulous!

d. Farmer, Builder or Chef – something earthy, where you get to work with your hands.


3. When you go to a friend’s house for dinner, you….

a. Fret about what your host will serve because you are very, very concerned about chemical additives, GMOs, pesticide residue, gluten, BGH in dairy and eating meals with a 80/20 alkaline/acidic ratio.

b. Are simply delighted and touched by the beautiful foods she has lovingly prepared for you. You feel so nourished!

c. Look forward to meeting the other guests and networking with them. You have so many exciting, juicy stories to share and love being the center of attention.

d. Spend forever picking out what to wear. Everything you own seems to exacerbate your spare tire. But holy fuck, are you ever looking forward to knocking back the wine tonight! Good times ahead!

dinner party
Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net


4. When you meet someone for the first time, you always ask them…

a. What books they are currently reading.

b. How their love life is going or how they met their significant other.

c. What their big dreams and visions are.

d. What they do for a living.


5. In bed you like…

a. Dirty talk and role playing. Maybe even a bit of bondage.

b. Romantic bubble baths and eye gazing.

c. Excitement galore! Elevator sex, threesomes and lap dancing.

d. A candlelit massage on silk sheets, followed by a generous glass of red wine.

banana candle
Image courtesy of freedigitalphotos.net


6. A perfect meal would not be complete without…

a. Scintillating conversation and debate.

b. Deliciously prepared seafood

c. Something spicy!

d. Chewy bread, tasty fowl, fine wine, good cheese and Tiramisu.



7. Your favorite escape is…

a. Music

b. Booze

c. A torrid affair

d. A good book


8. If you were handed one million dollars, you would…

a. Pay off your mortgage, upgrade your car and get your masters degree.

b. Go to a $30,000 shamanic dream journey retreat in Hawaii, a $28,000 past life DNA activation seminar in Sedona, Arizona, a $40,000 painting the goddess art tour of Italy, Greece and Turkey, etc, etc… and more wonderful stuff like this!

c. Start a charity for animals in need, backpack around the world – volunteering with various humanitarian aid organizations and write a novel about it.

d. Get plastic surgery.


9. Your tastes in literature tend to lean towards…

a. Non-fiction.

b. Romance novels.

c. Self help, personal growth and business books.

d. Stories! Especially trilogies and epic series.


10. You suddenly realize your job is total shit and everyone you work with is a complete sociopath. So of course you….

a. Spend a lot of time thinking about what you should do…..and plotting revenge.

b. Emote! Cry about your troubles to friends, family and random strangers in the lineup at the grocery store.

c. Take action! Immediately start looking for a new job and/or quit your current job.

d. Say to yourself “making changes is too hard right now” and then go watch some reality TV, eat some crispy chips and pretend everythings fine.  Your unhappiness will show up later as stomach problems, headaches, rashes and eye infections.


Your Results!

Okay, now tally up your score…

ace of swords
Robin Wood Tarot

Mostly A’s – Oh no, this means you identify most strongly with the Suit of Swords – the jerkiest suit in the Tarot! Your brainy, bitchy, focused and boring. Oh well, at least your well read.

On the plus side, your great at communicating with others, teaching and making decisions. You don’t like to dawdle and piss around – you get shit done and most people respect you a great deal, even if they can’t stand you.


ace of cups tarot card
Fenestra Tarot

Mostly B’s – Yay! Your Cupsy! You identify most strongly with the Suit of Cups – the creative, emotional, touchy feely suit. You love intimacy but crave your freedom.

You enjoy spiritual exploration, personal growth and making stuff but your mom tells you that you need to get your shit together, for god’s sakes your 35 years old and other people your age have families, careers and second marriages. When are you ever going to find yourself?


ace of wands robin wood
Robin Wood Tarot

Mostly C’s – Well congratulations, you Wandsy Wanton! You identify most strongly with the Suit of Wands, the suit of impassioned action and adventure.

Your a go-getter, people like you and your sexy as hell. But at some point you will crash and burn, so don’t get so smug with your checked off goal lists and your manifested dreamboards. Mwwahahaha! At some point you will have a midlife crisis and realize that being successful is totally boring…at which point you may suddenly attain spiritual enlightenment.


ace of pentacles
Robin Wood Tarot

Mostly D’s – You identify strongly with the Suit of Pentacles. Your down to earth and what you see is what you get. You have truly mastered the art of being in the here and now – as skill that others could certainly learn from you.

You love all the earthly delights like food, wine and sex, but you can sometimes become obsessed with your physical appearance and have a tendency to ignore your emotions, which resurface as physical problems like constipation, low back pain and allergies.


In the comments below tell me which suit you fit into (or if you were a combination of two suits) and if your personality description was bang on or way off target 😉 ….

Journal banner 2

Tarot Quiz! What Suit Are You? Read More »

The 4 Tarot Topics I Always Get Asked About!

Today’s post is all about the four Tarot topics I most often get asked about!

Predicting the timing of events, reading Tarot reversals, making sense of repeating Tarot cards and how to store your Tarot deck when your not using it.

So I have rounded up the four articles that I wrote on these topics and squeezed them all into ONE handy dandy blog post – enjoy 🙂

Tarot & Timing: How to Predict When Something Will Happen

watchWhen will I meet my soul-mate? When will I find my dream job? When will my business take off?

These are some of the most common questions people ask their Tarot cards. Everyone wants to know when!

But is it possible to predict the future with Tarot cards and pinpoint specific time frames for events?

Let me give you some tips and tricks for doing readings about timing….Read more….




Reversed Tarot Cards: How to Read Them!

ace of cups reversedThere are many wonderful ways to read a reversed Tarot card - in this article I give you some suggestions while keeping it simple and easy.

Find out:

Why you should read Tarot reversals

When you shouldn't read them

Who shouldn't bother reading reversals at all

And of course how to read a reversed Tarot card




Same Tarot Card Keeps Popping Up In Your Readings? This is What it Means...

four of swords Have you ever noticed how sometimes the SAME Tarot card will just keep showing up in your readings?

I call these repeating cards encore cards.

Check out my 3 step process for decoding the meaning of these cheeky, repeating cards! Read more....



Storing Your Tarot Cards: What You Need to Know

tarot-boxWhere do YOU keep your cards when your not using them?

Does how you store your Tarot cards effect the accuracy of your readings?

In this article I share my own method for storing my Tarot decks and some tips for protecting the energy of your deck.

Read more....


The 4 Tarot Topics I Always Get Asked About! Read More »

What Your “Higher Self” REALLY Wants You to Know (it may surprise you!)

Do you ever wonder what your “higher self” is trying to tell you?

Well guess what? Messing around with your Tarot cards is one of the best ways to find out!

But before I get to the real juice, I just want to say this – I really, really despise the term “higher self”. It sounds so snooty!

Whenever I hear that term, I get this picture of a much snobbier version of myself, reclining on a cloud, turning my nose up.

So from here on out, I will instead refer to the “Inner Self”. I like that phrase better, as it doesn’t sound so hierarchical and holier than thou. Plus, it just sounds more intimate and mysterious – like a deeper, truer part of myself.

Okay, so back to Tarot!

Our Inner Self communicates to us through symbols. We encounter symbols all the time – in dreams, waking life and of course in Tarot cards.

If we actively engage with those symbols, we can discover some fascinating things about ourselves.

Now what if you were to think of your next Tarot reading as a letter from your Inner Self to you?

A letter that is direct, to the point and maybe even a little bitchy!

Here’s an example of what I mean…

Me: “Inner Self, what lovely message do you have for me today?”

Inner Self: “OMG! I’m so glad you asked! You need to ____________ and __________ and for God’s sakes, stop __________________!”

When I did this exercise last night, this is what I got:

Hezicos Tarot by Mary Griffin

I felt the message was pretty clear: “You need to make a decision and embrace being an outsider and for God’s sakes stop pretending to be helpless!

I found this Tarot exercise worked best when I limited my interpretation to one statement/sentence per card. This forced me to really feel for the essence of the card, rather than get all brainy and over-thinky about it.

Now, it’s your turn!

Shuffle your Tarot deck and as you lay out three cards, do so knowing that this is a letter from your Inner Self. As you turn your cards over, see if you can fill in the blanks:

“You need to _________ and _________ and for God’s sakes stop __________!”

Tip: Forget about the traditional card meanings and pay attention to the symbols that show up, the body language of the figures and of course, the overall feeling essence of the cards.

In the comments below, feel free to share your cards and your interpretation – I can’t wait to read it!!!

What Your “Higher Self” REALLY Wants You to Know (it may surprise you!) Read More »

How do YOU see these Tarot cards?

Back by popular demand….the monthly Tarot challenge!

What would YOU do in this situation?:

Let’s pretend your giving a Tarot reading to Chastity Applebottom, a striking woman in her late 30’s, who was referred to you by a mutual friend. She plunks herself down at your reading table, all bouncy curls and cleavage, and says:

I just need some confirmation that I am doing the right thing. I got married a year ago to a man that I thought was my soul-mate – his name’s Carlos – but then about a month ago I discovered that he doesn’t really work as a traveling Loans officer, but is actually a Colombian drug lord and has been cheating on me with all sorts of floozies. He has this whole secret life that I wasn’t even aware of until now. Anyhow, I was going to leave him but then I realized that I would like to have a baby and I am getting too old to be putting it off. I’m almost 40. If I leave Carlos it may take me a year or two to find someone suitable to mate with, which could be too late. So I am thinking of staying with Carlos so I can have a baby. He’s not a bad guy – he bought me and boob job AND a Vitamix blender for my birthday. I think this is the best choice, really, but I just need to hear it from you to put my mind at ease.”

So of course you’re thinking run, Chastity, run! but you shuffle your cards anyway and this is what comes up:

reading - morgan greer tarot
From left to right: Ace of Cups, 10 of Pentacles, Queen of Pentacles.
Morgan Greer Tarot

Please note: this is an extra challenging Tarot challenge because you probably want to tell Chastity to run like the wind, yet the cards seem to be quite positive. So….

How would you interpret these cards? What advice would you give to Chastity? I invite you to share your interpretation in the comments section below 🙂

Tip: look at the cards and ask what do these cards seem to be saying to Chastity?

How do YOU see these Tarot cards? Read More »

Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot!

This week, I am unveiling my brand new e-course The Art of Tarot: How to Read a Negative Card in a Positive Light.

Today I want to share my favorite part of this course with you – reading the negative cards as secret desires.

When a “negative” Tarot card (like the 3 of Swords or The Tower) appears in a reading, it can often represent a secret wish or unconscious desire. A desire so dark and so shocking, that our conscious selves just can’t handle it!

Let me show you what I mean:

Let’s say I’m giving myself a Tarot reading and I ask “how can I make my life more adventurous?”

And one of the cards that appears is the 8 of Swords.

eight of swords
Druidcraft Tarot

Ding, ding, ding! Secret desire alert!

Now, there are many different ways I could look at this card, but today I am choosing to see the negative cards as representing my secret desires.

So what dark, undisclosed desire could the 8 of swords represent? And how on earth does it relate to my question?

Here are some possibilities…

1) the desire to be “rescued”

2) the desire to be tied up and blindfolded (very literal!)

3) the desire to remain “in the dark” (blindfold) and powerless (and therefore not responsible for anything)

Out of all these possible “secret desires”, the desire to be rescued feels most likely.

My Interpretation: Perhaps I want my life to be more adventurous, but secretly, deep down, I really want someone to swoop in and rescue me from boredom, whisking me away to be entertained and enchanted. As long as I sit around waiting, my life will never truly be an adventure. I need to acknowledge this desire and then take matters into my own hands.

Now it’s your turn!

Just for fun, let’s pretend your deepest, undercover desire is…..


Universal Waite Tarot Deck

In the comments below, tell me what “secret desire” of yours this Tarot Card might represent. (Can’t wait to read this!!!)

Negative Tarot Cards = Your Secret Desires: A Surprising New Way to Read Tarot! Read More »

How would YOU interpret this reading?

Are you up for a Tarot challenge?


Okay, so let’s say your giving a reading to a close friend (lets call him Xavier, because that’s a pretty sexy name).

He moans “my life is not going anywhere. I have been stuck in the same crappy job for the past 6 years, living in my parents basement and have been single for 3 years. I can’t seem to meet the right person, no matter what I do. It feels like I am not progressing in life and I have no idea why or what I can do to change things. Help!”

You shuffle the deck and this is what comes up:


Now, how would YOU interpret these cards?

But here’s the “challenge”: How would you interpret these cards in a way that is uplifting and empowering, without being sugarcoated?

*Please note that I am not using any particular spread, so you can interpret these cards any way you like.

What advice would you give Xavier?

Feel free to share your interpretation in the comments below – I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

In one week, I will post my own interpretation here. But remember there are many, many ways to interpret this reading – there is no one “right” way. So put on your Tarot reading glasses and go to town!

How would YOU interpret this reading? Read More »

How to Answer a Specific Question with a Tarot Card

Picture this: the candles are lit, Nag Champa incense is wafting about the room, a cozy fire is crackling in the background (or if your like me, your “fireplace” dvd is crackling in the background), and your hunkered down at your dining room table, giving your best friend a Tarot reading…

Your friend asks something typical like “Is Gary my soulmate?”

You roll your eyes, draw a card and…WTF?! It’s The Heirophant.

“F*ck!” you think. “What on Earth does that mean?!”

the hierophant tarot card meaning
Card image is from The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck published by U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

Of course, you know exactly what The Hierophant means all on its own, but you have no idea what it means in relation to the question being asked.

Reading Tarot can sometimes feels like deciphering hieroglyphics. All you want is a clear answer and instead you end up feeling more and more confused!

This actually used to happen to me ALL THE TIME. And if I am being 100% honest with you, it still happens every now and then 😉 But luckily I have gotten my shit together and come up with some handy dandy ways to get around this annoying issue.


Tip #1: Put on Your Glasses

Have you ever heard that expression “looking at the world through rose-tinted lenses”? You want to look at the confusing Tarot card through situation-tinted lenses. Let me explain…

When you get a Tarot card that just doesn’t make sense, picture yourself calmly sliding on a pair of glasses, like Corey Hart in his Sunglasses at Night video…

Now imagine that these are magic glasses that will help you see the Tarot card in light of the particular issue.

So for the reading I mentioned earlier, you would put on your “soulmate searching” glasses and ask “in regards to finding one’s soulmate, what message does this card have for my friend?”


Look at the Tarot card:

Let go of the traditional card meaning for a sec and just see what pops into your head. Notice what symbol your attention is drawn to. Doing this gives your intuition a chance to come out and play.

Example: When I do this for The Hierophant (above), I suddenly notice that there are two identical pillars, two identical monks side by side and two keys crossed. This makes me think aha! soulmates! but then there’s that pesky Hierophant coming between them. So I might say that there is soulmate possibility, but there is a powerful force keeping them apart right now.

But what if The Hierophant had come up in a reading about career/life purpose?

As I slide on my magic glasses, I notice that this card really exudes authority and tradition. This could suggest your life purpose is to be an authority figure of some type, but it may require years of formal study. Or it could mean your life purpose will be intimately intertwined with spirituality.


Look at the “traditional meaning”:

Now that you’ve unleashed your intuition, it’s time to indulge your intellect! Take a look at the traditional card meaning through your magic glasses and see how it relates to your question.

According to the little white book that came with my Universal Waite Tarot deck, The Hierophant means “marriage alliance, captivity, servitude, mercy and goodness, inspiration, the man to whom the querent has recourse.”

So how could I bend this definition to shed light on the question “Is Gary my soulmate?”

Well, well, well! I might say that marriage to Gary would make sense in a socially acceptable, conform to society kind of way. Perhaps she really wants Gary to be her soul mate because marriage to him may solve many of her problems. But ultimately, this will make her feel trapped. This doesn’t really answer the question, but it does suggest that rushing into marriage isn’t necessary.


Here’s my demonstration of how to read a Tarot card in many different contexts:


Tip #2: Practice Looking at Each Tarot Card in Many Different Ways

Let’s take The Chariot. What might it mean if it came up in a reading about career? About love? About health?

Typically The Chariot is all about moving forward, success, etc, but what if it appears in the “things that are blocking me” position in a reading?

Doing this will require you to really ponder each card, its symbols and even look up the meanings in your book. Don’t be afraid to think outside the box. Consider both the negative and positive aspects of the card.

Card image is from The Rider-Waite Tarot Deck published by U.S.Games Systems, Inc.

The Chariot:
Career – advancing quickly
Love – triumph, success in romance
Health – health is improving, but keep things balanced
Block – too driven, need to slow down and relax
Negatives – too focused on “success” and getting to the destination, parts of the self being in disagreement (especially if the horses are going in different directions)


Tarot is meant to be flexible. When you first learn Tarot, its all about memorizing the specific card meanings, and this can put you in a rigid frame of mind. But as you develop your reading skills, the challenge is in using the context to bend and grow the card meanings.

This exercise helps your mind get used to looking at a Tarot card from all angles and contexts.


Tip #3: Don’t always expect your Tarot cards to give you a clear answer!

Sometimes a Tarot card will be the doorway to discovering your own solutions and answers, but it will not be the answer itself.

The images on a Tarot card may lead you on a trip down memory lane, steer you into a particular train of thought or an idea may be sparked. So don’t go chucking out your cards if they don’t make sense right away! Be willing to explore 🙂

Let me know what you think!

What happened when you tried out this technique?

Do you have a favorite trick for reading a Tarot card in a specific context?

Tell me in the comments below!

How to Answer a Specific Question with a Tarot Card Read More »

Tarot Talk with Christiana Gaudet

I recently had the privilege of chatting with Tarot reader extraordinaire Christiana Gaudet – Certified Tarot Grandmaster and author of Fortune Stellar and Tarot Tour Guide. I had tons of juicy Tarot questions to ask and in this interview we touch on some hot Tarot topics like:

Tarot beginners: what you need to know

Doing professional readings: how to know when your ready

How to interpret a Tarot card in a specific position

Do your family and friends hate Tarot? Here’s what to do…

Christiana even shares what it was like to give Tarot readings at a polyamorous community festival!!!! If only my own tarot gigs were this intriguing!

Check out Christiana’s website: http://tarotbychristiana.com/

Leave a comment and let me know which issue/topic really resonated with you 🙂

Tarot Talk with Christiana Gaudet Read More »